"You're not supposed to exist," he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well, my parents thought differently," said Alethea, starting to pat her body down.

"But they didn't want you either?" smirked the boy. "My parents talked to me about your kind, and it's good that they destroyed your people... if they didn't, we probably wouldn't be here right now. Your kind were backstabbers, wanting to change the past. They only made it worse. So what have you got to say to that?" He folded his arms and nodded his head in triumph.

Alethea mimicked his actions, looking up at him. "And who are you to judge me? Do you even know me enough?" Alethea pointed into his chest. He looked taken aback, his shocked expression changing into disgust.

"How dare you -" he was interrupted by a squeaky voice.

"How dare you touch him." Alethea turned her head towards the voice.

A brunette girl came walking towards Alethea and stood next to the boy. Alethea looked up and down at her - she had short brunette hair with brown eyes, a small round face, which suited her petite body. The girl could pass as an angel but her personality didn't seem to match her appearance. Alethea realised that she was yapping about the problem they were currently in. Alethea placed her hands up, causing the girl to stop speaking. "Look, I literally mean no harm towards you guys. I didn't know this was real if it makes you feel better," said Alethea.

"It doesn't," the girl replied. Alethea only sighed as a response. Alethea didn't know what to say to her. What was she supposed to say, Alethea never even knew all this existed.

"Look Gina, it's not her fault and I think it's great that she has this power. I know she is going to use her powers for good," Crimson sneered at her.

Gina seemed to be intimidated by Crimson, as she looked to the ground and shuffled back to the groups of Energies. Crimson then looks to Matt. "You too Matt, just because mummy and daddy said it, doesn't mean it's true. You may seem like the most intelligent and brave guy, but you really are a coward. We both know it."

Crimson and Matt stare at each other, mentally battling one another. Moments pass and Matt looks away first. Crimson smiled and both Alastair and Crimson took Alethea away from the group. That was before Matt muttered under his breath - "You're just a General." This made Crimson stop walking.

Alethea could feel the anger build up inside her. Crimson turned around and strides towards Matt. "And you know what?" said Crimson, her voice raising slightly, "I'm goddamn proud."

"Your muta isn't going to pass the test Crimson," Matt smirked. "No one isn't going to want her, even the council have said so."

"Because the council have been doing a great job so far," Crimson said and turned on her heel, walking away. Crimson came up to Alethea, "you don't need to worry."

"For what?" asked Alethea.

"Tomorrow you're going to go through this test. All I will tell you is that it isn't the nicest of things to do." Crimson waited for a few seconds. "Let's not talk about it now, me and Alastair have some people we want to introduce you to."

They walk up to a small group of people. They were all talking with one another. They seemed to notice Alethea and extend welcoming smiles.

A tall boy with ginger hair and brilliant blue eyes, made their way to Alethea. "The name is Michaels... James Michaels."

"Name's Alethea," she replied, laughing at him. James seemed the calmest out of everyone, noticing how everyone took a slight step back from her.

"Oh, we know, we have been tracking your moves for a while. We lost you here and there, but we still found you," James smiled. Alethea didn't know how to respond to James. Thankfully, Crimson introduced the rest of the group. There were two sisters named Sophie and Millie. Sophie was older. They both had blonde hair, but Sophie had freckles with brown eyes, whereas Millie had no freckles with blue eyes. Sophie was taller than Alethea, but Millie was shorter.

NOT ALONE- Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now