Chapter Five: Reveal

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The second day dawned, and Midoriya readied himself. Downstairs he found that one Mina had made breakfast for the group, eggs, and toast.

"What a nutritious and delicious breakfast Mina. Thanks for this." Midoriya announced, grabbing a plate.

Mina jumped a little, "Woah, Midoriya, you scared me. Usually, no one else is up this early."

"Well, you know what they say."

Mina stared blankly, then smirked. "What do they say?"

Midoriya looked puzzled for a moment. "Early worm gets the bird, I think. I never was one for sayings."

Mina giggled. She continued making breakfast for the others. 

Midoriya snarfed his food down, then went to his room. He brushed his teeth, grabbed his backpack, and went back downstairs. He pulled his phone out and sat on the couch, waiting for the others to show up. After around thirty minutes, everyone else was ready, so they left for school together. Class 1A is walking down the hallway to lunch.

"English, Japanese, Math, so boring. I wish we could get to Hero Basic Training already," Mina complained. 

"Writing and Mathematics are core concepts everyone should know, especially heroes." Iida stiffly moved his arm.

They all got their food and dispersed. The dorm group plus Iida sat at a table together. Before any of them could take a bite, though, an alarm rang. Midoriya didn't feel any fear; maybe Aizawa had numbed him to it. Then everyone around him began moving. He followed the crowd but used his slightly taller stature to look around. Outside by the front gate, he could see a bunch of news reporters attempting to enter. He realized that the alarm had gone off because of them. Now everyone was freaking out and worrying unnecessarily. He was trying to think of a way to calm the crowd down. His answer was then brushed by him, Iida.

"Uraraka, float Iida!" Midoriya yelled to her.


"Trust me!"

She made her way to the blue-haired boy. Iida, having heard his name, looked to Izuku.

"Quirk use during school is prohibited, Midoriya!"

"I know, but it's just reporters out there. You're the only one with a voice loud enough and a tone clear enough to get that across to this worried crowd, float to the ceiling and tell them what's actually happening."

Iida thought for a moment but began floating. He didn't really have a choice now. He did as he was told, and the response was almost immediate. The whole place stopped and looked outside. Everyone chilled out quickly and walked more spaced out now that they weren't in a hurry. 

Lunch ended, and they all went back to their school's business. The day was winding down when Aizawa made a surprise announcement. "Pick a class president and vice president." Everyone was shocked, to say the least. One person suggested they fight for it, and another suggested democratic voting. Someone said something about the hottest being the winners. The class settled for Democratic voting. A ballot box system was made, and they all submitted their votes. Aizawa reluctantly polled the ballots. "Izuku Midoriya President with six votes. Momo Yaoyorozu, vice president, with five votes. Tenya Iida runner up with three votes. Izuku and Momo went up front.

Izuku, as flustered as ever, began, "Thank you for this, but I simply can't accept it. It is far too much responsibility for me, and I think Iida is a better pick, so I volunteer my votes to him." He quietly sat back down, and Iida, now with 9 votes, was president.

The class was surprised, to say the least. "Thank you for allowing me this opportunity, Izuku, I will do my best, and to the rest of you, I will do my best and do everything in my power to best front this class." He bowed at a perfect 90° angle.

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