"What the hell, man?" he tries to say.

"Woman" she corrects.

"I meant it as in mankind" he struggles, trying to get free.

"Sure you did, also I'm a fairy dipshit" she says, annoyed.

"Anyways, I know that someone here knows where Maleficent is! Tell me, or I kill your prince!!" she demands.

"How do you know that they know where she is?" Philip asks, angrily.

"I don't. I either find her, or I kill you. It's a wonderful deal on my end" y/n says, tightening her hold on the prince.

"Alright, alright!" says Ingith's right hand woman, a read-head named Gerda.

"she was pierced by iron and then fell into the river and went over the falls." she explains.

"Oh." y/n says, holding back her tears.

"So your saying she's dead then" she says angrily, bringing her magic up to the prince.

"No but wait!" the red-head scrambles. "There was something else. Another creature. It pulled her from the depths of the sea."

Y/n knew she could've been lying but decided to go with her word for now.

"And what did this creature look like?" y/n questions.

"Like her" the girl explains, making the fairy feel a slight bit of jealousy that Mal was with others like her, and maybe she'd no longer need her. But this was overpower by the feeling of relief that her lover was safe.

"Thank you." y/n says. "But if you're wrong..." she pauses to think of a good threat. "Umm.. just hope you're not wrong!" she says.

"And Philip, if you do end up marrying my daughter after this, then I'm sorry for choking.. or strangling you, or whatever it's called"

And with that, she releases her grip on him and teleports out of the room, leaving him to finally breathe easily again.

She teleports out of the castle and flys towards the river, near the waterfall where her partner had allegedly fallen down.

She scans the place for creatures like Maleficent, but sees none.

She assumed that they were probably just hiding, so she stops flying and free falls down into the water, hoping that one of them would come out to help her.

And just as she suspected, out flies a woman with white hair and white wings of the same form as her Maleficent's

"Well hello there" she jokingly flirts to the fae to try to lower her annoyance that she wasn't actually injured.

The fae just sighs, continuing to carry her away.

"What are you? I've never seen wings like yours before" the fae says in curiosity, with a light British accent.

Why are the hot ones always have accents?, Y/n asks herself, reguarfing Mal and remembering Sapphire. Maybe she just has a type. And all three were also older than herself, so maybe that also said something of her ideal woman.

She retreats to her thoughts to see the woman looking questioningly at her.

"Oh, right, umm well I don't know exactly what I am, but I'm sure I'm a fairy of some sort. By what I can tell, I think I'm the last of my kind, but you know, you never know." y/n explains.

The woman nods. "Well your wings are beautiful. The rest of you too" she smirks.

Y/n laughs. "Thank you, but I'm afraid I'm spoken for. She's actually the woman that I'm currently in search for, coming here" she says.

The woman chuckles. "Yes, I'm afraid I'm spoken for as well. Shame, we'd have made a glorious couple, but I'm afraid I'm stuck with my loser of a boyfriend" she jokes.

"Ew, men" y/n says.

"Tell me about it."the woman agrees.

"I'm Aria, by the way. And I like you." she says, at if deciding that she would like her.

"I'm y/n" y/n introduces her self.

"Well, y/n... looks like we're here." she says, landing in a large nest of sorts.

"Now go get your hot self over to that girlfriend of yours" she pushes.

Y/n nodded, chuckling at her new friend's outgoing personality.

And then she walked away, continuing her search for her beloved.

Maleficent's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now