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So I decided to continue! Yay:)

Once upon a time... or perhaps twice upon a time, for you may remember this story... there were two beautiful, powerful Fey: Maleficent and y/n. For some reason, the mistress of evil was still hated after all this time. True, she had cursed the princess, Aurora... but that was before she found light in the heart of a human child...

And she and her partner had raised the girl as her own. After all, it was out of y/n's love that she took upon Aurora's curse as her own, and it was Maleficent's love which broke that very same curse. But these details were somehow mysteriously forgotten. For as the tale was told over and again throughout the kingdom... Maleficent became the villain once more.

"Mistress. Maleficent!" Diaval ran up to Mal and Y/n, who were talking beneath their tree. "What?" Maleficent returns in annoyance.

"I have a little bit of news." he says, nervously.

"Well, on with it." Y/n urges, impatient.

"It's nothing of any real consequence... and it's certainly no reason to overreact. It's just that... Prince Philip has, um..."

"Disappeared?" Maleficent jokingly, yet seriously suggests.

Y/n chuckles at her fiancé.

"No. No. Philip has..."

"Yellow fever?" Y/n matches her partners joke, laughing at herself.

"No, wait!" Maleficent says to y/n. "Leprosy!"

The two laugh at each other.

"No, Mistress. Prince Philip has asked Aurora if she'll become his—"

"—Don't... ruin my morning." Maleficent stops him from finishing his sentence, suddenly much more serious than before.

"Mistress, please. Stay calm!" Diaval pleads, as her magic began swirling around him, making him run away.

Assuming that they'd managed to scare off the truth in the sentence Diaval was trying to say, the two fairies say back down and acted as if whatever just happened, had never happened, continuing their conversation.

But they couldn't ignore or scare the situation out of existence.

Because later that evening, Aurora went up to them this time.

"Godmothers... Philip asked me to marry him." she says slowly.

Y/n chuckles. "Poor thing. He'll recover." she says, assuring her goddaughter.

"My answer was yes." Aurora confidently states, making the two fairies stiffen up in seriousness.

"No." Maleficent says, barely smiling anymore.

"Yes." Aurora corrects.

"No." Mal returns, this time with zero smile.

"I wasn't really asking." Aurora stated.

"Nor was she." Y/n defends Mal.

"What's next? You'll turn him into a goat?" their daughter says to Maleficent.

"We'll if she doesn't, I will" y/n chimes in, still in a mood to joke, unlike her other half.

"Stop. Why don't you guys like Philip?" Aurora questions.

"Well, for one thing, he's human." Maleficent bluntly states.

"I'm a human." Aurora offendedly states.

"And we have never held that against you." y/n says, sweetly, as if they should have.

"Until I fell in love." Aurora defends.

Maleficent's LoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora