Brookie's Loyalty

Start from the beginning

*>Dharr: Are you serious? Didn't you say the unknown was exciting? Why are you giving up now?*

*>Brookie: I... When I said that, I wasn't thinking about the scary and dangerous parts... Haha...*

*>Dharr: Well that's what *I* clearly had in mind. Hurry your ass over here. Now!*

Not wanting to deal with the cloaked figure, Brookie crawled towards safety as quickly as possible, but Dharr knew it wasn't fast enough.

*>Dharr: I'm sorry.*

*>Brookie: Haha, this is terrifying... But it's just a game, right? Should it even be allowed for me to feel this scared?*

The logical side of Brookie knew it was a game and that death wasn't the end, but the instinctual side sent his body into fight or flight mode.

*>Brookie: Dharr, this game is really something else. Even when I was on the front lines... It still didn't feel like this.*

Dharr had already fled at this point. Brookie was mentally cursing him, but at the end of the day, he would have done the same thing if their positions were swapped.

It was a game; death wasn't the end. But if this situation were to occur in reality, something told Brookie that the decisions they made wouldn't have been any different.

The cloaked figure was gaining rapidly, and Brookie was out of steam.


He struggled his hardest, but he couldn't move any further. A shadow loomed over him, and he shut his eyes and waited for the Reaper's scythe to end him.

He waited... but nothing happened.

When he slowly opened his eyes, he heard an annoyed girl's voice.

"What the hell are you doing?"


As Jisha continued running west, she encountered the part of the Corrupted Land that was still clearing out. The circle of green was still expanding outwards from the center, but it was quite slow. Jisha easily outran it. She braced herself and stepped onto the purple grass.


*Great, here we go again.*

Though Jisha wasn't severely affected by the Corrupted Land's properties, she still found them unpleasant. She ran and ran, until she saw something in the distance.

*Wait, are those players?*

One was pathetically crawling towards the green grass, and the other was standing just outside the Corrupted Land.

*Huh... What are these idiots doing?*

Curiosity piqued, Jisha ran towards them.

A couple of seconds later, the player that was standing outside of the Corrupted Land turned and fled.

*Oh, I guess he's scared of me. I guess I would be, too, if I were in their position. Your friend is on the ground and there's a mysterious cloaked figure running at him at full speed... Ooooh! I'm a spooky ghost, be afraid!*

Jisha chuckled as she approached the player on the ground.

*The spooky ghost has arrived. What will you do now?*

She waited for a few seconds, but the player on the ground didn't move. Annoyed, Jisha pulled down her hood and spoke up.

"What the hell are you doing?"

The player opened his eyes.

"Wow... What a beautiful character model. Did I just go to Synergy heaven? Not that I'd mind seeing you in real heaven..."

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