"You're back" Oscar says putting on a smile.

I look up to see who he was talking to.

"Joker" I whisper as I watch Oscar pull him into a hug.

"Alma you not gonna give me a hug?" Joker laughs.

"Glad to have you back" I smile before pulling him into a hug.

After Miguel had died,  Joker had left freeridge to mourn his death.

"I should go home" I smile trying to hide the fear on my face.

"I'll drop you off Alma" Oscar whispers.

"No it's okay. Joker just came back, you should hang out with him" I say slowly moving backwards.

Joker grabs my hand before I could move further away.

"We're gonna celebrate. You should come" Joker says.

"No it's okay. I should go home" I state.

"Alma you should come" Oscar demands.

He knew exactly where I wanted to go and it wasn't home.

I put on a smile and nod in a agreement.

"I should come" I whisper.

I follow them both into the house to see all the Santos sat in the living room.

A few of them jump up in excitement to hug Joker.

I take a seat besides Sad eyes.

"Every okay Alma?" Sad eyes asked concerned.

I nod putting on a smile.

Joker sits besides me and hands me a beer. I shake my head refusing.

"Come on Alma. Just one drink" he whispers nudging me.

"I'm good Joker. I laugh moving closer to Sad eyes.

"I'll take that beer" Sad eyes says taking it off him.

"Your loss Alma" Joker whispers.

It was nice seeing the Santos smile and laugh. I haven't seen them do that since Miguel died. My smile fades away once I realise who I was sat next to.

The front door opens, Cesar storms off to his room.

"I'll be right back" I whisper to Sad eyes before making my way to Cesar's room.

"Cesar it's me Alma" I say knocking on his bedroom door.

He doesn't answer but instead opens his door letting me in.

"Joker's back" I whisper taking a seat on his bed.

Cesar doesn't answer but nods. He wipes away a tear rolling down his cheek.

"I messed up didn't I?" Cesar whispers.

I nod not making eye contact.

He messed up real bad.

I take a quick glance at the clock. It read 11pm.

"I should go it's getting late" I whisper and Cesar nods.

I shouldn't even be talking to him but I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

Why Cesar why did you have to cheat?

"Night" I whisper exiting the room.

I walk back into the living room to see some of the Santos asleep on the couch.

I smile at Sad eyes before heading towards the front door. Oscar stops me before I could leave.

"Alma I'll take you home" Oscar states grabbing his car keys.

I watched as he fixes the collar on his unbuttoned shirt, how his necklace dangled from his neck. He watched me as I watched him. I could feel myself falling for him more as each second passed.

Suddenly my anger wasn't directed to him or Latrelle anymore but to myself.

"I can go home by myself" I whisper turning to face the door and with no response, I leave.

As I walk down the drive way, Sad eyes calls out my name. I debate whether to stop or not, I don't.

"Alma" he calls out once again, this time rushing towards me.

He stops me from walking any further.

"What's wrong?" He asks lifting my chin up to face him.

"Nothing. I just wanna go home" I sigh not making eye contact.

"Let me take you"


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