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If a genie granted me three wishes right now, I'd use one to make whatever the hell was happening here less awkward.

Olivia was still stood at the door in shock. Her hand gripped the door handle so hard, her knuckles began to turn white.

I break the silence with a fake cough and both their eyes land on me.

"Erm sure I'd love to play" I say moving myself as far away from Oscar as I could.

And with that, I quickly made it my mission to get the hell out of there.

Oscar calls out to me as I exit the room but I choose to ignore as I now had more things to worry about.

Olvia now knew more about me than anyone.

I know nothing about her. Nothing.

Why did Ruby let this stranger come into our lives?

I̶f̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ if Oscar found out about Latrelle I'd be so dead.

"Alma" Monse calls out motioning me to sit next to her on the dining table.

Olivia shoves past me making her way to the seat across.

"What are we playing?" I ask putting on a fake smile.

I was in no mood to play games but I sensed Oscar wanted to talk.

"Kiss, Marry, Kill" Olivia replies tightening her pony tail.

"I'll go first" Monse squeals sensing tension.

"Jasmine" she calls.

"Kiss, Marry, Kill. Jamal, Cesar and Ruby?"

"Easy" Jasmine laughs.

"Kiss Ruby, Marry Ruby and kill the other two"

"Wowww Jasmine. I'll have you know I'm a great kisser and maybe even a great husband but you won't know now cause you chose to kill the other two" Jamal snaps.

"I didn't know you felt that way about me" Jasmine whispers as she begins fluttering her eyes.

Jamal slams his head against the table realising what he had just said.

"No no no no noo" He cries as Ruby laughs at him.

The room quietened down as Oscar walked into the room.

All I could feel was his eyes on me watching my every move.

I can't explain what happened back there between us but it made me feel.. I don't know.. Made me feel something and I know it made him feel something too.

As he watched me, watching my every move hoping to get an answer he knows I won't give him.

"Alma" Monse whispers as she waves her hands in front of my face trying to bring me back from my thoughts.

"Earth to Alma" She says.

I shake my head, snapping out my daydream.

I realise I was still sat on the dining table, playing this stupid game.

As I look up I notice Olivia staring at me with a grin upon her face.

"Alma" She calls out before beginning to list out the names.

"Cesar, Oscar and Latr-"

Before she could say the last name, the lights go off.

Jasmine jumps into Ruby's arms.

"Save me mi amor" Jasmine screams resting her head on Ruby's chest.

As much as he 'disliked' her, he was kinda liking it but that stopped when he noticed Olivia staring at him.

He quickly pushes her away before fixing his collar.

"Relax. The power just went off" He states before walking off into the kitchen.

Olivia follows after him and I follow after her. I needed to make sure she didn't see anything between me and Oscar.

Right as I am about to catch up to her, a hand covers my mouth dragging me away.

I do my best to scream as I'm dragged into the storage room but not a sound escapes.

The storage room door slowly closes making the room pitch black.

They gently take their hands off me. I still couldn't tell who the person in the room with me.

I think back to the power going out and the cops patrolling the area.

What if there's a seriel killer on the loose?

What if they're in here with me?

Oh my god I'm gonna die.

My fight or flight response kicks in.

Flee it is.

Never mind they're blocking the door.

I take in a couple deep breaths before quickly turning and hitting whatever I could.

"Alma.. Ow.." A voice whispers.

I continue hitting the person trying not trip over on the paint cans scattered on the floor.

I didn't try hard enough cause I tripped and now I'm falling.

The person's hands wrap around my waist pulling me up.

"Alma" The voice whispers once again.

Hang on I recognised that voice.

"Oscar" I snapped.

As I said his name, the flashlight on his phones switches on lighting up the room.

I realised I was still in his arms and quickly push myself away.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I sigh taking in deep breaths.

"I thought I was gonna die"

"Die? " Oscar laughs.

His smile fades away once he notices my facial expression.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to talk" he whispers walking closer.

"Talk? You could've.. You know asked me instead of holding me hostage in the storage room" I say rolling my eyes.

"I tried to talk but you ran away" he sighs.

"Maybe I don't wanna talk"

"Maybe I do"

I let out a huge sigh ignoring him as I reach for the door handle. I need to get out of here.

I begin twisting the handle only to find out the door wouldn't budge.

"uh oh" I whisper to myself.

Oscar looks at me weirdly and then and the door.

"Don't tell me it's locked" he mumbles as he begins to twist the door handle.

The door wouldn't open as much as he tried so he began trying to kick it down.

The noise started to irritate me.

"Will you stop that. You're gonna hurt yourself" I sigh.

A smile begins to appear on Oscars once he realises what I said.

"You care about me" he whispers.

"No I don't" I snap back

"Yes you do"

"No I don't"

Not this again.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and take a seat on the floor hoping the door would magically open. But it doesn't.

Guess Oscars going to be able to talk to me now.


Oscarr | Oscar Diaz حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن