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'Kim Taehyung...my son desires to marry you'
The tray of dry fruits taehyung held almost slipped from his hands

'P-pardon me sir.." his small voice said
He was quick to put the tray back on the table as Jungkook's father sighed

'I want my son to heal as quickly as possible I can't bare him seeing worn out everyday and for that we're going to make you his other half'

Taehyung's gaze went down as he closed his hands together infront of him
'F-forgive me I c-can't- I can never' He corrected himself

'Oh well...you have no choice, this Thursday you'll be tied to my son'
'I- please don't d-do this sir' taehyung looked up with his teary eyes

'H-he just lost Hana I can't just-'
'It's his desire Kim Taehyung! And you know very well who is he, so stop troubling yourself or you better look forward to the consequences'

'I- i'll talk to him myself! Please bring Jungkook Hyung I-i want to see-'
'Taehyung my father said what he said we're getting married this week'

Taehyung was shook to see Jungkook standing in the door way of his cottage
He was there all along...

'Let's go father, we are done here' his voice wasn't soft and gentle as it used to be

'Make yourself presentable for me taehyung...I don't want your crying face on our wedding' Jungkook calmly said not even glancing at taehyung

'For god sake's Hyung!, What has gotten into you!' Taehyung said making jungkook stop in his tracks and make him look back with a gaze so cold that it sent shivers

'Father please go ahead I'll be back' Jungkook's gaze didn't move from taehyung
Junghyun nodded as he made his way out of taehyung's small cottage

Jungkook gently traced his hand over his cufflinks adjusting them properly
Then moving towards taehyung

And in less than a second he had him pinned to the wall putting his face inches away from the fragile human which he held with a strong grip

'Don't call me insane for my doings you put this on yourself, got it?'
Taehyung whimpered looking at him struggling to pull away from Jungkook's grip

'I said Got it?' He asked again his voice stern and harsh
Taehyung hesitantly nodded trying his very best to fight against the strong grip of Jungkook

'Good...will see you on Thursday okay?' Jungkook said letting him go with a jerk
Where as taehyung rubbed him wrists which were left with red marks from how strong Jungkook's grip was

He watched as Jungkook made his way out of taehyung's cottage
Least bothered for what he just did

'I can never.. 'He mumbled tearing up again

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