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It was a week after Jungkook had came to find taehyung

Not knowing the younger knew facts

'Tae!' He called out loud in the fields

A smile decorated his face watching a fluffy raven haired coming to his direction

'gukk-ah' Putting all his emotions and heart breaks aside he came to his best friend

'I didn't see you for a long time Tete..why so' Jungkook asked after hugging him

'Ahh had some work gguk you also didn't visited me' taehyung lied

He was eager to hear what Jungkook had to say

'Oh yes well there were some things to be done with my father' jungkook smiled...lies

And again the day went by with Hana sitting with Jungkook

Taehyung's heart being broken again, he sat with his feet in the river gazing the sky.

It's not like he didn't catch Jungkook kissing Hana's cheek

They were meant to be.

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