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The horse carriages had made there way to the village
Taehyung made a beautiful crown for Hana

She looked like an angel
'Hyung is lucky to have you nuna'

Hana giggled on taehyung's words
They both sat down in their reserved carriages

Taehyung sat there revising his speech
Trying to put a stop on his emotions yet tears brimmed his eyes

But he had a strong hold on them, he won't cry, never
Taehyung could see the sparkling eyes of Hana

Taehyung softly caressed Hana's hand which he was holding
'Best wishes nuna, we are gonna be there in no time'

'Thankyou taehyung I can't wait to see jungkook'
'..same nuna'

Memorising every memory they made up till now
Suddenly the carriage came to halt they probably haven't got there

Grunts of horses were heard
And then muffled noises with a thud

'Wait here nuna I will go and see what's going on'
'Be careful taehyung-ah'

He made his way out of the carriage looking at his left..
A horrific sight came before his eyes

His mouth a gaped, pale in skin tone, body turning cold
Not a single word left his mouth

He saw the horses being stabbed by a masked man
He just stayed there stiff until he came in the sight of that one man.

'Hana!' His mind went off
Taehyung called out to Hana

'Get out nuna!'

'Nuna they came'
He didn't know what he was saying

'Nuna please come out'
He held her hand and dragged her out of the carriage

The bouquet she was holding had slipped from her hands letting the pretty jasmines fall on the ground
Taehyung turned her to the right side

Securing her behind his back
He saw the masked man's dagger drawn by blood

Upon seeing the sight Hana let out a screech
A pathetic cry left her mouth

'Run nuna'

'N-no tae what ab-out y-
'Nuna go! Go nuna!'

The masked man had aimed his dagger
'P-please go nuna...I ca-can't let you- go nuna!'

Hana slowly made her footsteps to the back
Running to her opposite

It was not until the sharp dagger slit through her white dress and then in
her skin, gushing out came the red liquid

'no..No! NUNA' taehyung cried out reaching to her
'nuna..nuna!..hang in there!'

Taehyung put his hand on the dagger which sickeningly cut through her stomach
Closing his eyes,

And pulled it out,
Hana stayed there with her trembling lips her white dress was now a carmine  in color.

'Your g-gonna b-be alright, k-keep your eyes o-open nu- nuna'
Taehyung cried out ripping a long piece from his hanbok

He was tying it tightly when a hand was placed on the back of his neck
and he was pulled closer at the point where Hana's mouth was near his ear

'Tae... tak-e care of y-your hy-hyung'
The slightest whisper became the loudest ring to taehyung's ear

The hand place on his neck slowly collapsed on his lap
'nuna..you can't do this nuna! Please nuna Hyung is w-waiting .....n-nuna HANA!..'

He chocked on his sobs the words were of no use

She was long gone.

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