Chapter 4: Fangs, Unleash

Start from the beginning

It was the end of school and I see Naruto sitting at the swing by himself. So I came over and sit at the tree trunk and pulled out a book. We sat with each other for a little bit until I hear Naruto speak up.

"I'm sorry, if you didn't hang out with me you wouldn't be bullied."


"Why are you laughing?"

"Simple, I became friends with you because I wanted to and two It's been like this before I came to school."


"Really. So don't cry for something you didn't do. I'll be a waste of time if you did that."

"Okay I won't and thank you for being my friend."


Then we kept talking while I was reading a book and a question pop up that I've haven't really thought about.

"What do you want to be in the future?"

I look over at Naruto.

"To be honest I've never thought about it. What about you?"

"I don't know myself."

I'm a little surprise since his dream is to be hokage. I guess I should nudge him along.

"I think you should be hokage."

"Why Hokage?"

"Because you'll be able to get respect and recognition if you become a Hokage."


"Plus, I'm sure you're going to be strongest Hokage than those over there."

"You're right. I'll become hokage and surpass all past hokage! and you'll be my aid!"

"Huh.. When did I become your aid!?"

"Just now!"


Then after that I fought trying not to be an aid, but sadly he wouldn't budge at all. I promise him that I'll be an aid when he becomes Hokage. Since he does become Hokage in the future I sign my own fate sealed. Then we deicide to head home and we went our separate ways. Naruto and I would eat lunch with each other and so we got closer as friends. Anyways, I went home and notice the food was already set and my parents sitting there.

"Are you guys okay?"

My mom looks up trying to smile.

"We're okay, don't worry about us."

I sat in the chair and looked at them with a serious face.

"I thought you guys retired? and you guys look worse than this morning?"

They looked at each other for a moment and nod. Then my dad went first to talk.

"Son, we wanted to tell you this later, but you weren't born from this village."

"I know."

""You what!""

"I can tell from how the people look at me and what they call me. If you think I would start hatting you guys from not being my real parents. Then you're wrong I love you guys very much, so please tell me the truth."

My mom starts to sob and my dad started to smile and he nods.

"I guess we should start at the beginning. It all started, by an attack from the nine tails fox we were holding it off until lord fourth showed up. You mother got attacked and heavily damage. I got her to heal, but one thing she couldn't heal and get back was her fertility. We cried that we couldn't have a child for years; well until you showed up and started to raise you as one of our own. So we decided retire as ninjas and raise you; that's also when I started my own business. Sadly your real mother was traced and we were found out. The third Hokage aloud us to adopt you and put a embargo of speaking about you not being born from this village. Sadly, some started to spread it and caused people to riot."

The 1000 Demon Ninja (A Naruto fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now