Chapter 4: Fangs, Unleash

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My parents came back and I look at them with worry, but they were tried and so I decided to give them some time to rest. Today I had to go to school, so I should ask them more about the situation. As I get into school, the students started to snicker and throw stuff at me. I dodge it and kept walking to class, I see this must be a part of his handicraft. Then a group of people came in front of me.

"Hey Alien! How about you leave our village! scum!"

Man, what the hell is wrong with kids in this show. I mean hell, I get humans are stupid but dame you guys need some consoling or something. I decided to try walk pass them, but one of them blocked me.

"Scum, that's not the exit."


I couldn't help but sigh; so I decided to push the guy in front of me out of the way. Then kept going to class they tried to go after me, but Iruka stopped them.

"You four, what are you doing?"

"Nothing Sir!"

Then he grabbed the four students and dragged them with him. I give him a silent thank you and went to class. I was about to open the door until I notice the chalk eraser up above. Then I notice them distracting Konohamaru from the chalk eraser. So I open the door and didn't go through the entry way to let it fall down and hit the ground. Then I picked it and put it back at the board. Then went to my seat and give a wave.

"Hey Konohamaru!"

"Hey Daisuke!"

Then he got up to let me through and I went to the middle. Hanabi still ignores everything and only focuses when class starts. Then Konohamaru starts to whisper to me.

"I told my grandpa about the situation. I know you said you'll ask me, but I've a feeling that you won't ask me for help."

"No, it's fine. So what did he say?"

"Well, he said that it's not in his jurisdiction and only the principle can use authority. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Does the principle knows problem happening?"

"... Um.. Maybe? If it's this wide scale as it's now then he should."

"Then I can't ask for any help from him ayy."

"...Yes sadly."

So the principle has power, but fails to care for it's students or at least people like me and Naruto. They're way for powers to cross each others and that is if a situation occurs at an inner power an outer power can influence their policies. You can also apply martial laws when a major war outbreaks.

"Hey Konohamaru, is their a way for your grandpa be allowed to use his authority?"

"Yes, if their is a big incident that the school is a part of then he can use his authority. Why you ask?"

"Nothing, I was hoping for something easier."


"Hey don't worry about it, I'm thankful that I have you as a friend!"

Then Sabastian walked in with a smug smile on his face. You'll think he won the lottery, but sadly he gives me the look of a bastard. Then class starts and I've been given the triple the work and on exercises he tried to kill me a couple of times. It seems it will be easier then expected, but I have to wait and allow the evidence to build up. Konohamaru gives me worry looks and I think Hanabi looked at me in worry as well? I feel sorry for Konohamaru he's knows that I'm getting bullied, but if he try to do something and it would effect the hokage. Luckily, I have my past memories so this shouldn't bother me much, but the problem is that he's also targeting my family.

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