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Fear suddenly washed over me. Where we we? How did we get here? I remembered getting into the van and nothing else. All around the room, the other people were beginning to think aloud. It was actually pretty annoying. I laid back in my bed and just stared at the bottom of the next bunk up.

After 10 minutes of staring, I began to hear arguing and shouting. I lifted my head up high enough to see what was happening. Everyone in the room was surrounding these two people. I quickly recognised one of them as the woman from the mall. The other man, I didn't recognise. The man began shouting at the girl about how she betrayed him and that he would forgive her if she joined him again. I guess she refused because the man had anger and frustration all over his face. The woman turns away, looking annoyed. Before she could make 2 steps, the man grabbed her sholder, spun her round and attempted to punch her. Then suddenly, the man from the stall pounced out from the crowd and pushed her down.
"YOU PICKPOCKET! GIVE ME BACK MY DAMN MONEY!" He screamed at her over and over. The other man pulled him up and said something I couldnt hear. He walked away and didnt look back. All of a sudden, the doors slowly opened. While doing so, it revealed a small army of people wearing the same red jumpsuit with guns. We all recognised them as the people who brought us here.


Hi hope you enjoyed this chapter. Out of 10, how good is this story in your opinion? Im going to try to avoid doing these Author note things so there wont be many. Anyways I hope you enjoyed! Make sure to check out my other stories!


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