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"32 year old male, Black, with a single gunshot wound to the abdomen another wound on the left thigh." A nurse yells
"His pulse is low we need a surgeon now or we're going to lose him!"

The nurses rushed through the hallways of the trauma center toward a brightened room.

"Where is Dr. Gwenne! We need her now! Someone page her!"

Kinsley's body mocks the motions of the speeding gurney as they drift into an empty lit room. A man yells in the background demanding pressure on the gunshot wound. As they pack the wound a doctor rushes in.

"Dr. Gwenne is working on another trauma patient I'll have to operate on him! Prepare the operating room now! Hurry up I don't see an exit wound!"

As they push Kinsley into the operating room he drifts deeper into unconsciousness. The back of his eyelids start to transform into figments. He slowly comes to consciousness but realizes he is not inside of the operating room. He is in a thick dark forrest. There are neon rays of lights rushing past him. As he looks around he notices a figure, the dark figure, moving through the trees swiftly. He recognizes this figure from the abandoned building and starts to panic. His chest starts to tighten and he begins to dart the opposite way but soon realizes that the the figure is in front of him again. He turns to the left to run, again the figure is there. It is Everywhere he turns, moving, hiding, and stalking. Suddenly, his vision starts to blur and the dark turns to light the figure scurries into the distance. He finally faints and all the pain he felt was gone. He awakens to a woman wearing maroon scrubs.

"Sir, do you know where you are?" She asks
"No, I- I mean. Yes. Yes I'm in the hospital" Says Kinsley as he tries to sit up.
"Wait hold on" warns the nurse "It is important that you relax or you will reopen your wounds. Also the police are here they have questions for you but I told them you wou-"
"No! No! No! Who called the cops! I don't need them! I don't! Get rid of them!"
"Ok. Sir I need you to stay calm we have already informed them that you are not in any condition to  give any information until we have ran more test." She continues firmly.
"Seeing that you remember that you don't like cops, I assume you know your name? I need it for our records, you did not have any ID on you when you were brought in"
"Yea sure whatever, uhm My first name is Kinsley, last name is Victor." His voice sounding frustrated. "You Uhm- you said brought in. How- how did I get here is anyone here to take me home?" He ask shakily
"Trust me if we knew we'd tell them to come back and get you." She giggles "Just kidding, they didn't leave any information nor any trace we couldn't even find them on the cameras."
Kinsley's mixed emotions flares his anxiety. He isn't sure if he's glad that no one is there to judge him or if he's sad because no one's showing any concern. Either way he needed to get to his next fix.

Kaden enters a large tech building after un boarding his plane. He walks through a glowing automatic door and is immediately guided to a cleansing station by two small androids. One introduces itself as Kijo and begins to clean his hands. The other, named Hijo scans his fingerprint and says, "Welcome to GeoTech Industries Sir, you will be heading the building D-15! Camp Yioke!"

A trail of neon blue lights appear and an AI orders Kaden to follow the direction of the path. As he walks down the path he starts to wonder.

"What is a corporation like GeoTech doing with this much military force?" He's whispers.

This is company that specializes in geographical horticulture research. They hold the biggest military bases and biology labs in the world. The campus is so big it reaches across two cities.

"What in the world are we doing here?" He wonders.

Before Kaden could process his answers, a holographic First Sergeant appears.

"Welcome to Fort Yioke! Today you will be briefed on why you are here, assigned living quarters, and issued gear! Today will be a long day if you fuck off! But if you get your shit done you can go relax, hooah!?"

The hologram disappears and the rooms lights up. Once the Kaden is able to process where he is he sees 10 other soldiers.

The soldiers respond with a motivated hooah,
Kaden then grabs his bags then continues toward the check in line. He stands and waits for the old man at the counter to check in the two soldiers in front of him. While he is waiting he notices a loud TV above the station playing a soda commercial. The young lady on the commercial reminds him of his wife. The actress drinks the canned pop then says "this soda is so-da-licious!" Then winks at the imaginary audience.

"The corny punchline is so Jeah" he says to himself.

The commercial brings him a slight glimpse of nostalgic joy but it doesn't last long before he starts the feel sadness and anger.

"Victor!" The older gentleman yells from over the desk. It shakes Kaden out of his staleness.

"Sorry about that, I'm here."
"Hell, I can see that! I'm just wondering when you would find out!" The old man jokes.
Kaden laughs although he doesn't find the joke very funny.
"Do you have your itinerary?"
"Yes, here it is." As Kaden pulls out the folded paper.
"It says I am supposed to come here first to check in. After, Im supposed to go to S2?" He hesitates.

The old man stares in confusion.
"Well ok, whatever the heck that thing says, follow it!" He suggests

He takes the paper from Kaden and scans the QR code attached. This time a green trail appears and the AI directs him again, only this time she orders him to follow the prompts sent to his phone for apartment assignments.

"Apartment?" Kaden yells. "I think I like this place already."

He continues down the hall then all of a sudden the trail lights disappear and the hall turns into an alley. Kadens chest tightens and he falls to his knees. A dark shadow rushes to him and floats over him
"Why are you here?" The shadow ask.
"What the fuck?" Kaden yells.
"Why are you here!" The shadow screams this time.

Kaden faints and the the green lights reappear. A woman runs up the Kaden and shakes him to wake him up. "Hey are you ok? Someone! I need help here!" Kaden hear her yell and jolts up.

"What! Someone I'm bleeding! Help! Call." Kaden panics but realizes he is not bleeding and is back in the hall. He stares at the woman in confusion and asks her what happened. She stares back in confusion, helps him up and says "I think you may have fainted." 

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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