Sunset Colors

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She rests her head in her hands, groaning. It's silent again. Then, "I've never put trust in someone I've just met. Especially the ones who try to kill me." She breathes a laugh. "But I guess I shouldn't be talking. I tried to kill you, and you're trusting me!.......I guess I can do a few blocks."

She looked past her hands, up at me, for a minute, before looking at the floor and swallowing. She seemed to accept the plan, but still didn't seem to realize the extent of it. She has no idea what's going to happen after we run, does she?

"There's really no other choice, is there?" She glances back up at me. I shake my head at her.

"Fine. Do you promise you're taking me where you say you are?"

"I swear on my mother's life." I immediately say. Her eyes filled with surprise, probably because she's never heard anything about my mother before. She nods, understanding. I can tell; she knows that's a very honest promise. You know how lots of times, you just know by the way a person speaks of someone, that that someone isn't alive?

She stands up; I take a step back. Her face is tired; it has been all day. She looked at me from the corner of her eye. I could almost hear her thinking, What kind of trust is this?

We go back and forth so fast, I can't even keep track of which fight was caused by what. The first time we met, that long hot night. When I first saw her, it was like a movie. I swear, everything was quiet for a moment when our eyes met. That sounds lame, but so does a lot of things I say about her. Her lips had turned up at the corners, confident as ever, as she blinked at me, like she knew she'd win. It feels like that was a long time ago. It hasn't even been a week. 
She had easily flicked the guys away. I remember being stunned; how can such a light girl manage to do that? She had used their weight against them, of course. 

After she was done, she had turned to me. I had hesitated in jumping for her, taking a look first. That girl is a whirlwind, I had thought. She's full of so much life, and strength. You can feel it, as soon as she's near you. She's a girl living in black and white, yet she's full of color. 

Trust me. Viva is the type of girl.....well, if she cries, you'll feel like it's raining. If she's angry, there's fire in the room. If she's afraid, you need to run to her and make it okay.

Maybe that's why I want to save her so much. Or maybe I'm just sick of working for my dad. Maybe she reminds me of my mother. My mother had color too.

"River?" She speaks, snapping me out of it.

I straighten, searching the room for my jacket. "Yeah?"

"Where will we go after Presley's?"

I swallow."I don't know, babe. We'll figure that out tomorrow."

She sighs. "We should probably wait until it's dark before leaving. Remember, I'm hiding too. Mike hasn't gotten a call from me since I told him you were dead."

I nod, and wait quietly for her to get ready to go. Clearly, she's well aware of what we're about to do. 

I met Viva just several days ago, with no intentions of getting involved with her. I've met her three times- the gang meeting, the alley, and now. Three. None of those were good meetings, I still hardly know her, and by leaving my house, we're officially turning our backs away from what was just most important yesterday and attempting something much more unlikely; escaping our authority. Together, when the two of us were supposed to stay apart. Now, I'm putting her life above everything else and completely changing my future by running us away from the gang.  

Why? There's hardly a chance we'll make it.

I look at her. She's making her way through the house, turning the lights off. It's growing darker out now; the sun is barely there. The orange light that's left is casting a dim light in the house. Sunset colors are on the walls. Slowly, the house gets darker and darker, until she's at the last light, several feet away from me, switching the lamp next to the couch off. 

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