Three (i wonder what's through there?)

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    "Daisy, you need to stay with me. We don't really know how we got here, or if anyone will help us, or if...hey, are you listening?" I looked down at my little sister, who was dragging her feet through the grass. We haven't been walking for long, at least I don't think, but if I am being honest fatigue is getting to me too. I sigh and continue.
    "Please stay in my reach...don't wander too far." I finish, giving her hand a slight squeeze. "My head hurts." She responds. She's looking down at her feet, watching her purple shoes get scuffed up as she keeps dragging them slowly. "I know, I don't feel good either, but we need to keep goi-" I am cut off when I see a cloud.
    It wasn't like the other fluffy white ones scattered throughout the otherwise clear, blue sky. This cloud was right in front of us, on the ground, with a black hole in the center, like a portal. "I wonder what's through there?" I hear my sister's small voice like an echo. I grip Daisy's hand tighter. "We are going to go through, okay?" She doesn't seem very alert, and just nods her head. With that, I take a deep breath and take us both through the portal.

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