Runaway Bella

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Edward's POV

"She's gone." Alice whispered. My head snapped up to her direction as I read her thoughts. By she, Alice meant Bella.

"Where?" I asked as Alice's visions kept changing. I couldn't get a clear picture of Bella's whereabouts.

"She's in Canada." Alice muttered.

"Is she gone for good?" I couldn't hide the pain in my voice. Alice noticed it as she walked towards me.

"No, she hasn't decided anything yet. Plus, she isn't carrying anything with her. I'm sure she will be back. She just left three days ago." Alice whispered as she touched my back. Alice's thoughts were filled with pity for me and I growled softly.

I got up and left for my room, slamming the door loudly. I paced up and down, wondering why Bella left without saying a word.

I really shouldn't have scared her off that night, what the hell was I thinking. I sat down on my couch and tilted my head back. I closed my eyes and thought about what I would do if I was Bella. Would I return or would I stay wherever I was and not come back at all? Just then, I heard someone opening the door. I didn't have to look up to know who it was.

"Edward." Alice whispered as she came to sit beside me. I looked into her head and saw that her visions had been stabilized. Images of a forest played around in Alice's head. Bella appeared in almost all of them.

"Seattle?" I asked as I recognized the forest. Alice nodded.

"She just came back from Canada. I guess she's coming home. But not so soon, she hasn't decided on the date yet. But if I'm not wrong, she's coming in two weeks. Wonder what came over her." Alice said as she leaned against the couch. I could tell that she was mentally drained from tracking Bella all day.

"Thanks Alice." I gave her a smile.

"Anytime, Edward. You know I don't just do this for everyone who skips town." Suddenly the images in Alice's head changed. I saw myself in them this time and didn't understand what was going on. As I was about to ask Alice what she was doing, I saw Bella. She was running towards me in the forest behind our house. She didn't have a cold look like she usually had in school. She was actually smiling, like she did in the piano room. Her perfect teeth were showing as she reached me. She didn't hesitate to take my hand in hers and just as I thought this couldn't get any better, Bella kissed me and Alice's visions blanked out.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Now you know for sure Edward, she's going to be a huge part of your life." Alice whispered. "And also ours."

"Will all that happen?" I choked out. "Because the last time I saw her, she wasn't really excited about my confession." I looked down at my hands. Alice shifted her body to face me.

"You confessed?" Alice seemed thrilled and I couldn't keep up with all the thoughts that ran through her head.

"Yes I did. It wasn't a decision that I made when I left the house to see her or even when I saw her, for that matter. It just came out when we started talking." I held my head in my hands as I recalled that night.

"Edward," I felt Alice's hand on my back. "It is bound to happen some day. Bella is yours. If it isn't true, I wouldn't be having these visions since the first day we saw her." I looked up and saw Alice smile.

"Since the first day?" I asked, surprised.

"Yep!" Alice exclaimed. "Don't worry too much. She will come back to you." Alice assured me and for once, I felt like it was true.

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