stepsister (Alisha Allen)

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I watched y/n walk to the refrigerator as she looked frantic. "Alisha, where's my cheesecake?" She asked me. "Where it's always been?" I told her. She must've found it because then she was smiling.

You should know that y/nn and I have been stepsisters for a while now. I wrote in my notes and smiled. "What you doing?" She asked me. "Taking notes. I'm about to take a break though.

I'm about to become an pathologist" I said. She smiled. "That's great" she said. "Do you want a cheesecake?" She asked me. I smiled and nodded. "What kind do you want?" She asked me.

"I'll take the New York style" I said. She ran to the kitchen, making me laugh. I love y/n so much.

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