Chapter 58 : Unknown Bond

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•07 August 2021•

"Yoongi?" She called out for him, slightly tapping the arm of the sleeping boy to indicate her presence. "Please... Please wake up."

He stirred in his sleep, letting out a low grumble. However he was quick to shot his eyes open and face her when her low and cracked voice entered his ears again. His vision was still unfocused but that didn't stop him from noticing the distressed look her face held.

"What happened?" That was the first question that came out in his husky voice as his hands instantly found their way to hers, holding them tight to assure her he's there. He glanced at the clock which flashed 3:47am and then again to her with a soft gaze. "A nightmare?"

Eunjae nodded at his words and snuggled closer to him, hugging him by his waist while Yoongi wrapped his arms around her. He planted a soft kiss at her crown and whispered again. "Want to share?" And as usual the answer was yes.

"They were asking me to save them, they were telling me not to go out this late but I..." Her eyes stung as she recalled their voices and she closed her eyes, allowing the droplets of tears to trail down her cheeks. "I ruined it Yoongi, I fucked everything up."

"Shh... You didn't, trust me you didn't." He pulled her from the hug and held his grip on her shoulders, demanding her to look right into his eyes. "You know I won't lie to you, right? So believe me when I say it wasn't your fault." He thumb ran over her cheeks, wiping off the thing he hated to witness over her features.

He knew it would happen tonight too, he knew she would blame herself the most today out of all the days. It was the start afterall, the start of downfall, the start of her tears and agony. The day when her life took the most unexpected turn, making her live a life she never probably imagined.

It was the day she encountered Slander for the first time.

"Does he hate me?" His brows crashed together at the sudden question but she continued before he could put on a question. "Afterall it was for me we went to arcade that day, it was for me he was held captive. He lost his parents because of me."

"You know he could never do that Jae."

"Then why can't he come and talk to me?" Desperate. That's how she sounded. Pain and hurt were the emotions that her voice clearly reflected and the pained expression on her face only made the situation worse. "Why can't he take me in his arms like you do. Why is that even after watching him walk into my life I feel like I'm missing an important part?"

He took a deep breath, pulling on a smile on his face. "Give him some time Eunjae, he must be so confused with everything too. Let's just sleep for now, hmm?"

He watched as she reluctantly gave in, not trying to press on the topic too much. Walking towards the closest he pulled out am extra blanket from the top shelf and tucked her in them, softly brushing the loose strands off her face. She was too drained to even walk off to her room and he had absolutely no problem is letting her sleep on his bed, not like it was her first time falling asleep in his room.

He layed down beside her and watched as her eyes closed, taking her into a slumber that he could only hope would grant her happy dreams. He watched her face relax and her body giving into sleep, her mind off from the constant depressing thoughts for a few hours.

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