I did as instructed, not blinking until he stopped shuffling the cards. He pointed towards the re-shuffled cards placed on the table with his chin, his hands supporting his weight as he leaned on the table. I picked out the same card as before, a triumphant smile forming on my lips.

"Did you get it right?" He asked, slightly smiling.

"Yep, 8 of spades again,"

"Let's try that a couple more times." He motioned me to turn around and I obeyed. I faced the girl who was now simpering at me.

This can't be it, it's too easy for us to pass. What's the catch?

We played the cards game a couple more times until both the girl and boy gave me an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry Ruan-ssi, but you didn't pass this round. Better luck next time!" The girl said patting me on my back.

"Huh? But why, if I may ask?" Perplexed, I ask.

"We are sorry, but we cannot tell you that. It's against the rules," The guy acquainted.

"Oh. Uhm, I have a question and it is out of sheer curiosity,"

"Make it quick, then!" The guy responded while adjusting the deck of cards.

"Why did you change the tablecloth every time I turned around for you to re-shuffle the cards?"

Silence enveloped us three as they blinked, their smiles vanishing. Instead of the bright smiles that played earlier on their lips, a wide grin took over it— I could almost see all their teeth.

"Congratulations applicant number 302 Lee Ruan, on becoming the first candidate to clear this test!" I was taken aback by their raucous cheering out of the blue.

"Sorry?" I question again, still not getting it.

"It was a case of misconception," The girl answered. "All the other candidates before you solely focused on the cards; they couldn't catch the tablecloth underneath changing at all. You, on the other hand, caught the cloth changing, which means that you have the ability to focus on every little detail around you; while focusing on the main subject itself. It is a much-wanted trait among special agents nowadays." She finished off, simpering once again.

Gosh her smile's about to blind me.

"What if they saw it changing but didn't question it?" I throw another question.

"Their loss." The guy stated, shrugging his shoulders. "If they didn't question this simple thing, they will leave clues behind on the crime scenes too." He added.

"The exit is at your left. Please grab a chair and take a seat, 'till another guard comes to guide you for the last test." The girl gave me one last smile as I nodded and headed out of the exit she mentioned.


There were exactly 30 plastic chairs right on the green grass— I counted as I sat on one. I tossed my backpack under the chair that I sat on, my shoulders instantly feeling much lighter. My nerves were falling apart by now, and the migraine I developed recently wasn't helping either. I stretch my legs to loosen the numbness of them; my eyes hovering above my arms. I folded the sleeves of the shirt I was wearing; revealing scratch marks that lead up to my elbows. I unfolded the sleeves before standing up and dusting my dusty clothes, which were somehow covered in mud too.

Oh, I shouldn't have sat on the grass before this test. That must've been the place where all this mud came from.

I plopped my sore body back on the chair and my back muscles cramped up, making me groan. I let my head fall back and rest on the back of the plastic chair; eyes closed. I felt completely drained out.

Project: Zyrox •||• [𝐏.𝐉𝐌 X 𝐎𝐂]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz