Start from the beginning

"But if a second person came along, backing Harry's story, that would be bad for me. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I think so." I was speaking in a hushed tone, my head held low so I didn't have to look him in the face.

"The Ministry is going to interview you. You need to keep your mouth shut. You need to make sure that they doubt Harry. It's not time for the Ministry to know the truth. Also," he took on a more sinester aura, "you're going to work for me. You're going to be one of mine. Or I'll kill you right here. What is your choice?"

I looked away. I looked at Lucius who didn't offer a facial expression or anything that would help me. There wasn't a choice. "You want me to be a..." I couldn't even say it.

Voldemort nodded his head. "It's that, or death."

The first tear managed to escape, but I wiped it away quickly. I don't think he saw.

I knew my eyes had turned red as I watched the dark clouds roll in that seemed to be reacting to my fear.

I didn't know how fast it was going to happen, but I come from a long line of Death Eaters. It was only a matter of time before I joined their ranks. I had just hoped it would be much later. I sighed. There was no other way.

A large clap of thunder echoed from outside. As I finally looked into the Dark Lord's grey eyes.
"I will join you, my Lord." It didn't even sound like myself speaking.

I felt like I was in a fog as he asked me to give him my left arm. He took his wand and began running it down my forearm. The pain was excruciating. It took everything I had not to cry out in agony.

When it was over, I looked at my arm at the moving mark on my arm. I was a Death Eater. I tried not to hyperventilate.

We were then interrupted by a knock on the door. When it was opened Severus entered the room. I saw his eyes take in the scene. He looked at me and then his eyes landed on the mark on my arm. His expression never wavered.

"Ahh... Severus. I'm so glad you could come. I believe you teach Amie here at Hogwarts. How is she doing?"

Severus was quick. "She is very bright. Advanced in many subjects.  I have no doubt she will grow up to be a very powerful witch."

"Excellent!" This man creeped me out even more everytime he spoke. "The reason I've asked you here is I want you to train her in Occlumency before she returns to Hogwarts. I don't want Dumbledore trying to dig around in her head. Since you're her teacher, you would probably be the best one for this particular training, having taught her for several years now.

"When she returns, for now, she's going to keep an eye on the castle with you and keep quiet. I've already ordered her to deny anything Harry Potter is saying about my return." He turned to me once more to make sure I understood that I had to deny his return.

After he was sure that I understood, he dismissed us. Severus, Lucius, and I made exit. While Lucius was ready to apparate back to his Manor, Severus pulled me back. "I'm going to borrow Amie for awhile. I'll return her to your home soon."

Lucius said nothing, he was gone in a flash. Severus grabbed my arm and we apparated to a house I had never been to. Where were we? As if he knew, Severus answered my question. "This is my home away from Hogwarts."
He brought me inside and sat me at a table before setting two tea cups down and filling them with tea.

He sat next to me, reached over and grabbed my arm. He studied the dark mark dancing in my arm."Why did you do this? We could have found another way. I didn't want this for you."
Tears came to my eyes but did not spill over. "Death was the other option. It was the only way to survive."

Severus scoffed. "Lucius shouldn't have taken you there immediately without a plan."

"Lucius did what he had to do to protect himself and his family," I shot back. "This was the only way!" I repeated with a harsher tone. "And what were you doing there?"

Severus sat silently. He took a sip of his tea while staring at the table. At first, I thought that he wasn't going to answer and finally he put this arm out, and pulling up the sleeves he revealed the same mark I had.
I stared at it for the longest time, taking it all in.

I was shocked, but something made me realize that I wasn't really that surprised and there had to be more to his story that I didn't know about. We've spent a lot of time together, but I didn't know much of his past. He skipped over talking about it anytime I asked a question."You're a... this whole time?"

"We have a lot to discuss. But not today. I'm taking you back to the Malfoy's and when you're a bit stronger, both mentally and physically, we can start your lessons and maybe someday..." He said nothing further. I guess he decided he didn't want to finish that sentence.

When we finished our tea, he apparated me back to the Malfoy's. Before he left, he made me promise to rest and promised to see me soon. He kissed me goodbye and then left.

Although Narcissa tried to get me to join dinner, I excused myself and made my way up to the bedroom designated for my stay right next to Draco's.

I stood at the window. I waved my hand at the sky and urged the storm clouds in. Rain was the correct weather for the kind of despair I was feeling. So much had happened in just a few days that I was overwhelmed.

I wondered if Harry was having as hard a time as I was, but pushed it out of my head. Why should I worry about Harry anyway? It's not like we were friends. I crawled into bed and just lay facing the window. Seeing and hearing the rain and lightening lured me into a deep sleep. I just wanted this all to be a dream.

Darkness Fades  (A Severus Snape Love Story).Where stories live. Discover now