Bloom has leveled up and the real Avalon and Palladium meet!

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(Bloom's new outfit but it's a slightly lighter blue than the previous transformation dress was where the one above is black. Her wings are the same shape for enchantix but all blue and slightly darker blue. Bloom is also 36 AKA still sixteen)

Bloom had scared off a troll from interrupting her dad's summer class and accidentally triggered her enchantix power. She was very confused when her form and wings changed, so she flew back to her dad, who simply blinked and looked proud "Good job Bloom, you unlocked enchantix" 

Then the worry kicked in and he asked "Wait, how did you trigger it". Bloom simply cocked her head and said "I scared away the mean troll who was going to hurt our freshman fairies". Palladium's immediate thought was 'Aww so pure' Then he realized "A troll!?" Bloom nods and says "The troll is gone now". Palladium calms down, taking in his daughter's new transformation form, it covered a lot more than most fairies base forms at least and enchantix was one of the more revealing forms. Palladium was glad for that, he didn't want perverts staring at his dearling. Once calm he heads back inside the school with her walking at his side, her grinning as her feet bare besides the necklace for feet thing that comes with enchantix touching the moss and the dirt she'd always loved just as much as her father. When he wasn't teaching they'd take off their shoes and walk through the woods together, just to feel the moss and dirt underneath their feet that felt so natural.

 They walked into the teacher common room and both felt a new presence, a new magical aura neither knew yet. Bloom hovered slightly behind Palladium as he walked through the door. Palladium stopped in his tracks as his light eyes met blue ones. He felt a connection and Bloom whispered behind him, cementing it all to him "Papa?" The blue-haired man immediately responded to the name as if without realizing "Yes?" Then he looked confused. Palladium walked closer, Bloom right behind him, still nervous but curious. As soon as they were within arm's reach of each other Avalon pulled him to his chest with a whispered "Mine". Palladium agrees and whispers to Avalon "Mine". Bloom grins and says "Papa". As she hovers in the air, her legs bent out of instinct while hovering in the air. Faragonda walks in, a smirk on her face as she says "Avalon, I see you've met Palladium and his daughter Bloom. Faragonda grins as Avalon says "Palladium, such a perfect name" 

Then Avalon kisses Palladium and Bloom's nose wrinkles like every child's does when they see their parents kissing "Ew, Dad and Papa are kissing!" Faragonda laughs and both men pull apart before laughing as well. Bloom cocks her head in confusion and says "What?" Palladium chuckles and says "Oh, nothing, just never change who you are dearling". Bloom then asks, her eyes slowly changing to blue "Why would I change who I am? I'm Bloom, I decided that was true when I was small?" Palladium smiles and says "I know you did, and I'm glad you don't want to change who you are, did you tell your grandma you're an enchantix fairy now?" Bloom looks excited and says "Look grandma I'm an enchantix fairy now!" 

Faragonda grins and says "I see that, good job Bloom, can you tell me how you did it?" Bloom nods and says "I wandered away from Dad in the forest and I found a mean troll who was looking for the freshman fairies, I didn't want him hurting out freshman fairies so when it attacked me I scared it away, then my wings and everything changed to this! I don't have constricting shoes anymore!" Avalon looks extremely worried then chuckles along with Faragonda and Palladium at the excitement over a lack of shoes. Palladium says "Of course that's your favorite part". 

Bloom nods happily and flies a little closer, her eyes somewhere between blue and the light color of Palladium's before changing to copy Avalon's eye color exactly. Avalon asks with a smile "How old is she?" Bloom says proudly "I'm 36!" Avalon nods and says "I see, so physically sixteen". Bloom looks mildly surprised and says "Wow, you're good at this!" Bloom gets even closer, the natural trust getting stronger with every second. Bloom hovers so she's the same height as her dad, per usual and says "Wow, you are tall". Bloom then, like every child, takes decides this is a challenge so she flies up so she's just slightly taller than him "Ha ha! I'm taller now!" She was very proud of herself for this and all of the adults in the room could tell. Avalon grins and says "Well I hope that I don't have to tickle you to get you back to me and your dad". He wiggles his fingers at her and she giggles before coming back down and landing. She turns and says "Ooooh Dad, your bridal bar appeared!" Palladium nods and touches it with a grin. 

He looks up from going cross-eyed to look at the bridal bar and sees that Avalon has one as well now. Bloom gushes over it and soon enough Bloom yawns and de-transforms, Palladium hums and says "It looks like since you're so tall she's going to grow to about my height, slightly shorter though by the time she's finished." Avalon agrees, having picked Bloom up when he realized she was getting sleepy. "Let's put her to bed" Avalon says as he adjusts her slightly so she won't have a sore neck later. Soon enough they have her tucked in and they leave the room, heading out to the teacher's common room and sitting down on the couch together. Avalon sits against the armrest with Palladium cuddled into his side Griselda walked in and looked pleasantly surprised before smirking and saying "Awwwww Palla, you're married now! What did you two lovebirds bonding change about our Bloom?" Palladium says simply "She got his eyes, and I think she's growing again now". Griselda winces at that last one "Poor kid, now she'll have more growing pains".  

Avalon winces as well as Palladium and says "She's asleep right now". Palladium smirks and says "She was very excited about meeting her papa, plus the empty spots that were being filled I don't remember how are now being filled with your DNA". DuFour grins and squeals before saying "Awww! Our little Bloom-Bloom's very excited about her Papa. Palladium smiles and says "She's been excited about meeting him one day when I meet him since I explained the bridal bars. She told me when she was four, and she just knew I'm gay, that when I meet my mate she's calling him Papa"

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