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Today was an odd day for Bloom, she'd just met the specialists and for some reason they were being weird, Bloom had no idea they were flirting and these men were scaring her, she instinctively transformed upon her body sensing danger and flew to her dad, who she knew wouldn't let anyone touch her without her permission. She flew up to him where he was walking out to the courtyard to find her and wraps her legs around his waist and her arms looped around his shoulders. 

He immediately held her as she buried her face in his shoulder and asks "Bloom? What's the matter?" Bloom simply mutters "Specialists are scary, they were acting weird". Bloom had been surrounded by solely women besides her father and her Uncle Wizgiz. So she'd never had people flirt with her before since none of the other fairies happened to think of her anything other than a younger sister seeing as she was twelve years old but looked six and acted a bit younger because she's an elf and won't finish growing until she's at least 32, she still won't be an adult then because elves mature and grow twice as slow as any other humanoid species. In all Bloom was the equivalent of about a human six or seven year old. Palladium then says "let's go have your grandparents take care of you for a little bit while I talk to them alright? Do you want to fly there? Or you can find Griselda?" Bloom nods and kisses her dad's cheek before flying off. 

He waits for her to be out of his sights before allowing anger to show on his features then he heads off to find the specialists, only a few were here today and all of them were in a group. Soon enough he finds them and asks politely "why did you scare my daughter?" All of them freeze "which one of the girls was your daughter?" The one called Sky asked worriedly.

Palladium says simply with a still polite tone"the ginger elf fairy, she just turned sixteen two weeks ago". All of them froze, they were all the same age as the college fairies, and that girl was obviously an elf, in fact the only one who didn't freeze was Brandon, as he'd been with his girlfriend Stella when the interaction happened.

"What did you guys do!? You all messed up, but seriously what did you do?" Palladium agrees and asks angrily "yes, I agree what the fuck did you do to my daughter?" All of the specialists, as well as Griselda, who had just walked over to see what was going on that warranted Palladium's tense stance froze. Palladium NEVER cusses unless he's absolutely pissed, and based off of what she just heard, he had a right. The three who hadn't scared Bloom all look at the specialists who had.

Then Sky says simply "we flirted with her,well except for Timmy, he said that she was obviously younger than any of us and so he wouldn't even try doing that. We also got up in her space a bit.  But we didn't know she'd grow wings and fly off, that ruined everything" Brandon growls in tune with Griselda and Palladium then says "You scared her assholes, a fairy's response to feeling in danger is to either transform and fight if they're old enough or if they're young to transform and find someone they trust, if a fairy grows wings when you're flirting with them back the fuck off, or I'll give you a black eye then tell my girlfriend that you boys scared another fairy into transforming, you can bet I'll tell her about this, Bloom is basically every fairy on campus' little sister she's the staff's niece and the headmasters of all three colleges are her grandparents. Professor Palladium here is her father and they're both elves as well, elves grow slower than humans so if he says she's sixteen that means she's not even relatively close to being fully grown or even into the age where she would start puberty, she wouldn't even look sixteen she'd look younger, how old did she look?"

Timmy glares at them all and says "she looks about six years old, and they still flirted with her". Brandon glares harder at the boys who'd flirted and says "assholes even though spells and everything that make people look six do exist, you never flirt with a six-year-old because no matter where you are they may be actually six years old!" 

Riven then says "well she walked up to us!" Griselda answers since she can tell Palladium is trying his best not to strangle the boys "She's been raised at Alfea and the only men she's ever really been around her life were her father, Professor WizGiz, your headmaster who is her grandfather, and sometimes Mr. Brandon because Miss Stella brings him here sometimes. You are wearing the same uniform as Brandon and you are a group of men, she'd naturally be curious about you all, she'd think you knew Brandon so you must be nice too, plus all her life the only men around her were guaranteed to be nice or safe, all of them are overprotective".  

Helia, who hasn't flirted with Bloom as well but was rarely noticed because he was so gentle says "She's a child, and she's innocent, of course, you thinking you can touch her without her permission and being strangers at the same time would scare her". Griselda then asked "wait, on top of that strangers touched her without her permission!?" Palladium nods, a droplet of blood dripping down his chin from how hard he's biting his lip so as to not explode. Griselda winces upon seeing this and says "Palla you're bleeding" Palladium simply hums an "mm?", his lip still clenched between his teeth before nodding in understanding. He immediately switches to biting the right side of his lip instead, not paying attention to the blood quite yet as he continues to stop himself from blowing up at the boys and interrupting them, he would be polite about his anger....he hoped by the time it was his turn to talk. 

He closes his eyes and counts backwards from twenty, opening his eyes and blowing up just as he got to 25 at a comment the blonde one said "Well I kissed her" Griselda backs up as well as Brandon as Palladium quite literally glows yellow in anger, the yellow fire he uses most of the time for nurturing turning hostile with his anger. His usual happy aura now turned angry as he easily tackles the blonde one, unaware of the boy's principal watching. 

Palladium stops him from being able to get up and growls out a simple threat that he would more than gladly go through with "if you ever touch her, or even hurt her feelings again I will personally cut your dick off and shove it down your throat before I burn you alive, then I will allow you to live just to suffer for ten years, after this I will kill you in the most painful way I know" 

Palladium then sighs and gets back up, brushing himself off and turning to leave, only to see the headmaster of Red Fountain. "Hello Saladin" Saladin nods and asks "what did he do to my granddaughter because that is most likely the only reason you would ever attack a student. What did he do to Bloom?" Palladium simply replies with "he scared her via flirting into transforming then proceeded to kiss her, she was terrified when she found me. A few of the other boys were flirting with her too, she's twelve Saladin, she hasn't even hit puberty and she's terrified".

 Saladin says simply "Good job Palladium, can you tell me which ones didn't flirt with her so I know which ones to punish?" Palladium nods "Brandon, Timmy, and Helia didn't flirt with her, the others did and Sky was the one who kissed her," Saladin says simply through his gritted teeth "Thank you, now you go back to your daughter, I'm sure she'll want her father"

 Palladium nods and Griselda says "She's with Faragonda, Palla, they're in the library". Palladium thanks her and heads off, the glow fading with every step closer to his daughter as he calms down. Once he sees her, he realizes her wings are still out as Faragonda sits with her on one of the couches with a book. Palladium smiles and walks around the couch. When Bloom sees him she immediately smiles and he sits down next to her. She leans against him and Faragonda smirks as she continues reading from the book. 

Soon enough both Bloom and Palladium were asleep, bloom snuggled up in Palladium's lap. Faragonda grins and lets her magic return the book to its shelf. She then creates a blanket and tucks tucks it around them with a grin. 

Bloom is Palladium's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now