Your'e Someone to Love

Start from the beginning

"Alex, can you stay with me tonight?" Jack asked him.

"I wouldn't mind that," Alex blushed.

"Mhm," Jack smiled, as he kissed the brown-haired boy.

"What do you want to do tonight baby?" Alex asked him as he started the car and began driving to Jack's house.

"Just be with you," Jack smiled.

Alex nodded, and he held Jack's hand as he drove just as Jack liked. They pulled up to Jack's house and his father's car was luckily not in the driveway. Thank god he isn't home but he will probably be back tomorrow so I will just have to convince Alex to take me to his house instead. Jack had a feeling his mom was going to be in a good mood, she always loved being home. Yeah, Jack's mom could be problematic but in the end, she wasn't as bad as his dad. Jack takes Alex into his house and walks him upstairs.

"Lex, can I take you somewhere tomorrow?" Jack asked him, he knew Alex could never deny a date.

"Really? Yeah, I would like that," Alex smiled as he kissed Jack on the cheek.

Jack smiled at Alex being so excited about it, and he wanted to impress him. He had never really taken someone on a date before so he was excited about that. He was nervous about Alex seeing the bruises, but he just hoped that Alex would not find that part out. Alex sat down on Jack's bed and leaned back, arching himself up slightly. Jack looked at his boy and caught himself staring. He was a virgin, and it was kind of obvious the way he looked at Alex. Alex had a feeling Jack was thinking the same thing, but he thought it would be a good idea to take things slow with Jack.

"Jack come here," Alex smiled, biting his lip as he extended his hand to Jack.

Jack listened to him and felt Alex's arms go around his waist. Jack blushed, and he sat down next to Alex on his bed. Alex kissed him gently, licking Jack's lips slightly telling him that he wanted more. Jack slipped his tongue into Alex's mouth, and his tongue began to explore Alex's mouth. Alex liked the feeling of it, and he gently started to pull Jack's hair. Jack began to straddle Alex, and Alex placed one of his hands on Jack's hips. Jack unlocked his tongue with Alex's and began to kiss his boy's neck, gently sucking leaving hickeys that were visible to everyone. Alex did not care, he wanted people to know that he was Jack's. Alex flipped the younger boy over, pinning him down on his bed, and began to leave hickeys on his neck and upper chest. Jack moaned as Alex began to suck harder on his skin. He never had been touched or kissed by anyone besides Alex, he liked the feeling of electricity between them. Alex and Jack continued to make out for an hour, taking things slowly as they both wanted to until they heard footsteps coming up to the door. Jack quickly hid his hickeys to the best of his ability and turned on the TV.

"Jack dinner is going to be ready soon," Jack's mom said as her eyes glanced at the boys on Jack's sloppily made bed. "Alex you can stay for dinner if you want."

"That would be nice Mrs. Barakat," Alex said blushing slightly, probably because she almost just caught him making out with her son.

When she left downstairs, Jack laughed at how awkward Alex was around his parents. He thought it was cute, mainly because he loves it when Alex gets awkward but Alex just really wanted to make a good impression.

"Jacky I want your hoodie," Alex smiles as he tugged at the one Jack was wearing.

"Alex I have a bunch," Jack laughed.

"This one smells like you the most," Alex smiled cutely at Jack who ended up giving him that hoodie instantly and changing into a new one.

The boys went downstairs for dinner with Jack's mom, and Jack was hoping she wouldn't pick up that they are kinda a thing.

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