Judging Criteria

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All stories submitted to the Celebrate Africa Awards will be judged by a panel of experienced ambassadors who have undergone specific training

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All stories submitted to the Celebrate Africa Awards will be judged by a panel of experienced ambassadors who have undergone specific training. The same sorts of folks who assist with the Wattys. So rest assured, your stories are in capable hands. There are five(5) elements to the judging rubric. Each element is rated on a sliding scale from excellent to poor depending on the execution:

Concept and Plot

Tone and Voice

Spelling and Grammar

Organization and Development

Writing Style

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Concept and Plot

The concept is fresh, compelling and unique

The ending brings the story to a remarkable conclusion

Hits all plot points for its category, connects with readers, and delivers a clear message

Tone and Voice

The narrative voice is compelling, strong and distinct, and significant character voices are well developed

Strong, vivid and emotive language throughout

Point of view is clear, powerful, and maintained throughout the story

Spelling and Grammar

Spelling, punctuation and grammar are correct throughout

Sufficient editing has been applied to the text

Organization and Development

Pacing is well-balanced, cliffhangers are placed appropriately, there are moments of tension offset by moments of relief, no major info dumping

Writing progresses through a beginning, middle and end, with creative and effective transitions

Characters are multi-dimensional, relatable and unforgettable

Writing Style

Writing is creative and showcases the author's talent. Concept, ideas and style are refreshing and imaginative

Dialogue is seamlessly mixed with narration, drives the plot without deviating from it, and remains true to the character

Celebrate Africa Awards 2021Where stories live. Discover now