When she followed people down the street towards the rather large arena, Lilly gaped at the sight.  "How the fuck did I not see this thing?!" she asked in a shrill voice.

Arthur smirked at her.  "I think you were too busy drinkin' and fightin' little fish," he joked.

"Shut up!"  Lilly cackled loudly and smacked his arm.

"Ouch!" Arthur laughed, rubbing his arm.  "So feisty, mo bhean chéile." [my wife.]

Lilly arched a brow at him.  "You love it when I'm feisty," she argued playfully.

"Damn right I do," Arthur chuckled, reaching for her hand and kissing it softly.  "I love you, baby girl."

Lilly maneuvered Liath closer to lean near Arthur's ear.  "I love you too..." she whispered, nipping his earlobe.  "Daddy..." she cooed seductively.

Arthur tensed up and coughed.  "God damn, woman.  Don't get me riled up now," he laughed.  "I thought you said you didn't like that."

Lilly shrugged.  "I could get used to it," she replied nonchalantly.

"So could I," Arthur growled lightly while pinching her ass cheek, making her squeak and giggle.

"Can I ask what the point of this...tournament thing is?" Liath questioned loudly.

"Well," Arthur began.  "It's to pay tribute to my darling wife."

"What for?"

"Because I love her."

"And you just got this all arranged now?  After she left three years ago?  What the hell took you so long?"

Arthur sighed.  "I can't believe I'm gettin' scolded by a horse," he said.

Lilly cackled and pat Liath on the neck.  "I think I like that you can talk, Liath."

Arthur made a slightly annoyed face.  "Oh, I'm gettin' you later for that."

"I would expect nothin' less, mo chuisle."

Once they were close enough to the Greek-styled stadium, the crowd was packed in to the point where there was just no room to go any further.  Luckily, Arthur led his wife around to the side of the stadium where a bunch of horses were saddled up and people were standing around.  Tora was amongst them, decked up in her ninja garb, and when she spotted the Morgan's she waved happily.  They waved back and got off their horses, then gave the reins to a man who was leading all the horses to a small enclosure nearby.

"Be good, Liath," Lilly said as she stroked his neck.

"Yeah yeah," Liath muttered, startling the stable boy.  "Uh...I mean, neeeiiiiigh...?"

Lilly snorted into her hand and walked away, not able to speak.  Arthur flung an arm around her and kissed her temple, the roar of the crowd now hitting them as they got closer to the side entrance.

"C'mon, I'll show you your dressin' room," Arthur mumbled softly.

"My dressin' room?" Lilly asked curiously.

"Yeah, everyone's got their own.  This ain't just a tournament, it's a show."

"Oh.  And it's...all for me?"

"Well, it started out that way," he remarked.  "But then I realized I was thinkin' too small.  I've become a kind of..." he started rolling his hands, "humanitarian, I think?  Because bein' rich is just...well, it's great.  So I started spreadin' the wealth around."

Lilly snickered as she kissed his cheek.  "So ya became a charitable lad because ya like havin' money?"

"Yes.  And I remember what it was like bein' poor, scrapin' for food off the streets with nothin' but the clothes on my back and at one point, not even any shoes.  As much as I love that I'm an American, I ain't built for apathy no more."

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