Chapter 3

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Two days passed, as he able to adjust, they begin to pack to leave that place. They already discussed it with the child, that if he's ready to leave, they will go home. They got the answer two days after.

Those past days, they are busy showing the world to him. Aside from playing and visiting different places, they also nought him yet again tons of stuff to use. But his favorite is the white bunny doll with eyes rose pearl that they bought for him. It happened when he keep staring at it outside the shop being displayed in a glass window.

Standing at the door holding his bunny one and a half foot tall exactly half of his height, tight. Watching the room his been for days, fun days. Though he don't understand a lot of thinks, he want to go with them. The couple that gave him a feeling he never felt before, he want to follow it. So despite not understanding where and why they need to go, he agree nonetheless.

Actually, they explain it to the child why and where but his little mind cannot comprehend it despite explaining it with the simplest words, he just can't. They yet to know that the child, the orphanage teach nothing to him, as to why he can't understood things in his age should be.

They yet to know it but notice he don't talk, it give them feeling of strangeness and it confirm when they discuss to leave that place. So then they pack as soon as possible to leave, planning something.

With last glance, he turn around leaving the room. Exiting, the couple welcomes him.

"Are you ready?" With a soothing and sweet voice as she has, asked.

The kid smile and nodding his head.

The man offer his hand out, less scared to this expressionless man, he accepted. The lady giggle in the other side, thinking how cute the pair is.

With a step, it followed by another. It didn't stop until they finally out the building.

With no regret, he followed.


The same station they are now, the station of bullet trains. However this time, they will be using much larger and longer train. This train are design for long distance destination with both quality and quantity for all class.

Sitting at the first class, the kid is in his knees on the sit watching both scenery outside and the interior of the room. They are in a room, family sized suitable for three, less space than their hotel but acceptable as its comfortable.

At the left side was the door and the hallway, at the right are two large windows, up front are furniture to sit in, and at the back are the bed, small comfort room with a small bathroom, some furnitures, divider to change clothes and some more needs for a room of family.

The lady tour him around their room, knowing its his first. Showing different part of the room first then planning next outside.

"Love, we will proceed outside while we are, I will order food and snack for us. Do you have something you want us to get?"

He didn't answer and shook his head without looking, focus in the newspaper he's reading.

"Okay~ We'll be back"

With a gentle thud, the door closed.

On their side, they begin from the small hall way. She explain that all room of this area are the same. Next, the dinning area. Tables are divided into two, the left and right while at the center that ways to the tables and other cabins in straight line. They both dine to taste this train's best dessert and to order food for their own at lunch.

Time fly fast that he didn't notice it, as he is busy observing the surroundings. Too new to him, too exciting. He only snap out when the dish has serve in front. The eyes that keep looking around stop at the dish, its so small but pretty to looked at that he keep staring it. Soft laughter could be hear from his companion.

She stop a while and breath relax to maintain the dignity of the first class she is. Of course, one cannot help but react to a cute kid staring at his food like a pet it is. And she proceed to chuckle when they begin to eat, as he don't want to it the dish. His face write 'I feel sorry for it' that no one cannot help to smile with such cute and adorableness.

In time, he lift his fork to dig in but with face of a victim and the dish as a bully (😅). He dig in solemn but it change from gloomy to delight expression. His feeling betray him as the taste is beyond any thing he ever tasted. Too delight, he finished it in one go like he never felt sorry for it before.

Like someone losing her composure, she keeps struggling to stay as dignified she is. She want to laugh loud but that rude to etiquette and for others. So she held on and picture his every movement to treasure forever. And to bust to her husband and sons who are not very cute.

'It's really great to have a daughter' she though inwardly planning a lot of things for him in the future.

Little did he know, his mother will transform him from son to daughter in near future.

Onto the next place, they visit next the other room of different class. They gone to the second class but not in third class, as people of second class is believed to rude and don't have manners.

Aside from the third class, there is also a high class room that no one is allowed to go there aside from the costumers of that prestigious class. They even have their own butler accompanying them and/or private attendant only for them in every industry. They are design to serve them and only them, though prestigious class do rarely use public trains because most of them have their own private, some came in different circumstance.

Visiting the third class however, he notice someone. A girl the same age as him. This is not the first time he see one but what makes him notice her was here unique demure: cheerful, loud, laughter, talkative, and full of smile. He wonder, is this how kids really like? A concern in his being, someone who know nothing in the world.

He meet or saw some children but there are difference between him to them, especially in that room. Most kids are like her, or is it just me? He question.

Walking back to their room, one of the prestige class came at the opposite direction on the same hallway.

At the right side of their room are next to the prestige class, only distant away. But both first class and prestige class share the same hallway and separated to others. Their rooms are only divided into two from one part of the train, consisting of four rooms but their space are greater than all second class rooms and third class combined.

With a bow in her head, his mother bow gently. Him, without clue stand still, she notice it and gesture him to follow her so he did eventually. He did so but he already saw the prestige class, or who he is in the group. His appearance alone was something unforgettable, and the atmosphere around him is another. A kid older than him, taller than him, almost all are different from a normal kid. However, with not much thought, he looks away to see her mother and bow then.

When they passed, the mother and child rose and started to move. Not knowing that the kid he saw looked back, watching his back going away until they enter their room. His eyes deepen, smelling different in the air.

"Young master?"

The guy wearing in full black suit called.

He looked back like nothing happened, and too proceed to where they stop.

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