The Ball part 1

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Chapter 4

The ball

"Y/N I know it's early and stuff, But if you could try to find yourself a boy or a man to at least flirt with that'd be great, I feel like it'd make you feel less lonely since Frankie is out all the time" Ash said while we were driving to the ball, that I didn't want to go to. "Same goes to you Frankie, I know this Ball will be hard since your face is out to everyone and it hasn't been like that before but at least try, and if you can't find any try to make some friends" Speedwagon said while looking out the window. I was sitting with Frankie beside me. We've been learning 'good manners' for about a month now, it was easier for Frankie as he's always been good at picking new stuff up. me? not so much. "I understand." I said back not wanting to fight with them so early, they saved me and Frankie from that hell hole I understand why they want us to have a normal life now. It's a little hard to have that since I still have that Nasty scar from Dio which only made me hate that man more.

When we finally arrived Speedwagon was the first to step out the carriage, Ash followed behind, then Frankie and me last. When I stepped out Frankie helping me, I looked around to see many pretty dresses and expensive jewelry, felt out of place seeing all the stuff. My dress was way smaller and slimmer than everyone else's, but it was good enough.

Ash and Speedwagon took us into the mansion where we were met with even more people. I looked at Ash and she smiled "Why don't you guys go in the room for kids your age? it's down the hall and to the left, I'm sure you both will get along with them just well! make sure to greet the two joestar kids as well!" she said in a very happy tone, Ash has always loved being out and about with people so that makes sense.

I just kind of stood there when Ash said it and didn't move when she finished saying it so Frankie just started pushing me down the hall to the right.

We entered the room where the two doors were opened and stuck to the side of the wall, people kept walking in and walking out.

As soon as we both entered it's like we got jumped by a very tall man, which made me hide behind Frankie. His dark blue hair was slicked back with a few bangs in front. "Hello there! My name is Jonathan but you can call me Jojo and you are?" He said with a wide teethe grin. "I'm Frankie Lin, you must be one of the Joestars mother told us to meet?" Frankie said I was still behind him, ready to knife the man down if needed, "Indeed I am! Jonathan Joestar!" He said while shaking hands with Frankie, He took a small pause and looked over to Frankie's side to see me, sending him daggers with my E/c eyes "Oh! hello there ma'am I'm Jonathan Jo- wait you probably already know, well you can call me JoJo as well! what might your name be?" he said smiling, rubbing the back of his neck at his little mistake he made while talking to me, "I'm Y/n, pleasure to met you JoJo" I said as I stepped out from behind Frankie to great his hand, for him to put it up to his lips and kiss it. As much as it was a gentleman move, I was filled with disgust, no one had hugged me, let alone kissed me for years, so who was he to do so?.. There was an awkward pause till Jonathan looked around to see someone and his eyes narrowed and he waved someone over.

"COME OVER HERE AND GREET THE GUESTS WITH ME" he yelled, seemingly getting the attention of the person he needed to.

When the guy arrived Jonathan was about to say something but he looked over at me and Frankie, who were sending the death glare to the blond headed boy who had arrived at Jonathans side, "this is my brother D-" Jonathan was cut of by the blond guy shoving him away a little "I can introduce myself JoJo, I'm Dio, and what might your names be?" he said looking over at me specifically, causing shivers to go down my spine. "The name is Frankie.. nice to meet you Dio" Frankie said while shaking hands with Dio, "Y/N." I said looking away, Frankie alboving me slightly in the side and I put my hand out to meet his. He also, like his brother, took it up to his lips to kiss it, which I didn't let and took my hand away before he could do so. "Frankie, how about I show you around and Dio can show Y/N around!!" Before me or anyone else could speak our opinion on it Jonathan pushed Frankie out.

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