Irene Steele looked nothing like Alec though she was tall, she had long black hair, tanned skin, And big green eyes. In all she is absolute stunning . I was in a room full of beautiful people and feeling very mediocre. Beside the nurse that never left. No offense Mr.MaleNurse  

I stood up as Alec finally let go of his mom and introduced myself. "Hi I'm Audrianna" Giving my best grin and extended my hand.

"oh don't be silly!" She said as she pulled me into a big hug. "You must be the girlfriend I've never heard about." She smiled down at me and smacked Alec on the arm.

"Why wasn't i aware of this huh!" She glares at her son. "Such rude kid I've raised. Come, sit,tell all about you!" pulling me down to the couch, still  glaring at Alec. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. She is nothing what i expected her to be.

"Don't blame him Mrs.Steele."  I giggled into my hand. "We haven't been together for that long actually."

"Still i should of been aware of this! My baby is a man." She gushed and hugged her son again who was sitting to the right of her.

"Mom stop. Please." He blushed and i couldn't stop laughing.

She lets go and turns to me. "So Audrianna tell about yourself! How old are you? Where were you born? Who do you live with?  Whats your favorite book? movie? What shows are you watching now-a-days? I mean just because I'm in here doesn't mean that I'm under a rock. We have televisions here to you know pretty good cable too and what-" She was speaking so fast, that i could barely keep up with all her questions.

"Mom relax. We are going to be here for a while." Alec laughed and shook his head.

Irene sighed. "I'm sorry I'm just happy you finally have a girlfriend." She pouted and looked back at me. Looking exactly like Alec at that moment with her green wide eyes instead of gray.

"It's fine babe really I don't mind." i smile at him and took in a deep breath. " Well Mrs.Steele-"

"Irene" She cut in.

I nodded. "Well Irene, books, movies and shows are my obsessions so i shall talk about them first ." She leaned back on the couch and folder her hands on her lap getting ready to hear me rant about my addictions. "Lets me just start off by saying that Star Trek is the greatest franchise known to man."

                                     A few hours later.. Okay maybe like one hour....

 "So you you mean to tell me that a teenage was shot in the eye and live!?" She asked so confused.

"Yeah that's what i said! but honestly they weren't going to kill him off like come on hes Carl. You know?" Me and Irene have been talking about books, movies and now show for the longest now it really amazing.

"Yo but what is up with Abraham and Sasha though?" Kevin said aka Mr.MaleNurse who also joined the conversation as soon as her heard The Walking Dead was being discussed.

"No, no, no lets move on to your life Audri. I can seriously sit her and talk about tv shows all day." Me and Kevin laughed and agreed while Alec just observed and listened to everything not really saying anything.

"Okay well i just recently moved to Washington from California." I paused, trying remember the questions she tried to ask me before. "I live with my mom and dad and little sister-"

"Sister?" Staring at me with a blank stare, Irene froze. "I had sister." She nodded

I looked at Alec confused and he gave me a look i didn't understand. He looked worried? I looked at Kevin who was already to his feet dialing on a phone on the wall.

"She was killed..." Irene spoke but i didn't recognized her voice, it sounded like a totally different person. " Murdered.." She nodded. "I found her, you know." She looked at her hands as they twitched in front of her face. "There was no blood...Audri" I looked from her hands to her face and found her staring at me blankly again. She looked lost, like as if she wasn't really looking at me.

"None, none, none, none."  She shook her head and gripped her knees. "None, there was no blood, there was no blood , there was no blood, She had no blood left in her! They took it! All of it! They killed her! I know they did! I'm not crazy! They did it!" She yelled and repeated.

At this point Kevin had escorted us out of the room, just as three other men walked in. We walked back to the front desk quietly to check out and Alec made sure she that she was okay before we left. We were told that she was triggered and that she is now sedated, resting in her room.

The ride back to the cottage was quiet. I couldn't help but feel responsible for this. Everything was fine until i brought up my family i should of insisted on talking about shows. Dammit. Now Irene is knocked out on drugs and Alec is probably angry with me for triggering her mother. Way to go Audri. You are literally the best at making best  first impressions.

Alec parked the truck and turned it off. We just sat there for a few minutes until he finally spoke in a very low voice. "It's not your fault." He said and grabbed my hand.

"but it is Alec" I looked at my lap, i couldn't even look at him.

"No it's not. Look at me." He squeezed my hand. I looked up, biting the inside of my cheek. "I should of told before why my mother was institutionalized." He sighed and looked down.

" My mom was pretty big on being healthy, so she use to always go running in the woods by our house, she even had a route she would always go to. One time she was running just like any other day. Only it wasn't, that day was the start of something, i didn't understand and still don't understand. That day was the day my mom found my aunt laying face up, pale white and stiff as a board, on her route in the woods. It changed our lives forever. She stayed there for hours before she could even get up  and call the police. My aunt had two gashes on both of her wrists and were not self inflicted. she was murdered but the killer was never found. My mom became obsessed trying to find the killer that she even started making up stories that vampires existed and they killed her sister. She even attacked a man with a stake she made herself, which led her to where she is now." he took a deep breath and looked back at me. "So no Audrianna this isn't your fault."


i'M BACK!!!  I'm so sorry my life is such a mess right now but i promise ill try to update often. (: <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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