Chapter 4

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After a few days, Dennis was ready to head to UCLA. Mike and Linda drove him down to campus since he couldn't drive in California. When he is dropped off, he says goodbye to them and he walks in to the campus.

While he was signing up for classes, a group of college kids with t-shirts approach him and the leader says, "Hey there freshman, I saw those videos you posted. You looked real sharp there. I'm Jack Stone, the team captain and goalkeeper. These are my friends on the team. Chris Wise, the forward, Dawson Levers and Jason Davidson, the defenders."

Dennis shakes their hands and says, "Hey guys, I'm Dennis Loughran. I'm going to help turn this team around!"

"Now hold on there pal," Jack says. "Coach says there is no such thing as I on this team. We work together and help each other."

"Sounds good, now when do we start practicing?" Dennis asks.
"Actually, we were heading over there right now." Dawson said. "So you better get your stuff ready cause it starts soon."
"Okay, see you guys then." Dennis says. Then he dashes over to get his keys to his dorm room. He takes a deep breath and walks to his room and opens the door, then he unpacks his things and gears up for practice. Before leaving, he says, "You know, I'm not as fast as Papa Drac is when it comes to running, but flying is a different story." He turns into a bat, opens the window, flies out and closes it, not knowing he left the key in there.

Back in Transylvania, Winnie was asleep in her room when she began to have a dream. She dreamed she was with Dennis in California. He was dropping her off to his house, while he goes to a team meeting. Winnie waved bye as she watched him drive down the main road. When he turned left, an unusual orange light came from there. She got curious and went to see what it was. When she got there, she was filled with horror at the sight. The car Dennis was driving was on fire with another car it crashed into. Dennis was lying on the ground unconscious. She ran to pick him up and get him away from there. Then the cars explode and it tosses her 15 yards from where she was. When she got up, Dennis was nowhere to be found. She wakes up in fear gasping for air and screams.

Mavis was walking by with Crystal and Ginger when they heard the scream. Mavis knocks and then Winnie tells them to come in. When they enter the room, they see her eye pupils small and her breathing heavily. They ask her what was the matter. Winnie says while gasping for air, "I dreamed...Dennis...he... He would die in calling for you."

"You mean California." Mavis said, trying to correct Winnie. Then she caught on to what Winnie said. Winnie tells them the dream. When she finishes, Mavis says, "No, it's just a dream. It won't happen."

As she says that, Izzabeth walks in and hugs Mavis, then she says while crying, "Mom, I had a bad dream. "Dennis would get hurt playing soccer and he would go to the hospital."

Mavis looks at her, then Winnie, then looks at Izza again and says, "It's okay sweetie, I told this to Winnie. It was only a dream. It won't happen." Even though she said that, she began to get worried.

She left the room and put Izza back to bed. When Izza fell asleep, Mavis left the room and decided to call Dennis.

Dennis and Winnie; Zing Zings ForeverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang