Chapter 2

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While Dennis announced the news, Wayne went over what his children wanted to do. When he got to Willie, he said, "Actually Dad, I've been thinking about doing something else."

"Work at the hotel with Winnie? I'm good with that." Wayne replies.

"No, Something better." Willie whispered into Wayne's ear. Then Wayne's eyes widened and he whispers it to Wanda. Her eyes widened also. They talked for a little bit, then they nod to Willie.

Then Willie walks over to Vulcan, Vivien's father. He says to him, "Vulcan, I know I just graduated and so did Vivien. And we've been friends for over 10 years now. She believes that I'm her zing and I believe she's mine. So I wanted to ask you before I asked her, that if I can marry your daughter."

"Willie. You are a very young werewolf." He says. "Yet you are a good friend to her. And I've noticed you too grow closer and closer. Who am I to say no? After all, you only zing once in your life. Well maybe twice. You have my permission." They shake hands and Willie thanks Vulcan.

After Vivien finishes talking with friends, Willie walks up to her and says, "Vivien, my parents are now letting me make my own decisions now that I am graduated. I talked with them and your father about something I wanted to ask you and he gave me permission to let me do it. So here it goes." He gets down on one knee, pulls out a tiny box, opens it, and asks, "Will you marry me?"

Vivien's eyes begin to fill with tears and she yells, "YES! I LOVE YOU MY ZING!" Both of their eyes show a purple sparkle. They zinged, then they kiss. Winnie heard the excitement and yelled while hugging Willie, "My baby brother is getting married!"

One month later, the wedding was taking place inside the hotel. Willie was waiting on stage, but was about to pass out since he hated being in front of lots of people. Dennis sees him, turns into a bat and tries fanning him to keep him cool. Then the ceremony begins. The flower girl was Sunny. The ring bearer was one of Willie's brothers, Wanye. The best man was Dennis. Then came Vivien, in a black wedding gown with poppies in her hands. In the end, Blobby mumbled to both of them and they both said, "I do." Then they kiss. Everyone applauded while Tinkles howled. He didn't destroy the place since he was not a puppy anymore.

At the reception, everyone was on the dance floor with Johnny in the DJ booth. But it was taken up with many of the other werewolf children. Then Willie and Vivien danced on the dance floor. Willie begins speaking to her. "Well my love, what do we do now?"

"Willie." Viven says. "I want to see the world. Explore all the wonderful places to visit out there and enjoy every moment we have together."

"I know a few places to start with." Willie says. "You will enjoy them very much." Then they kiss again as the song they dance to ends.

After the reception, the happy couple got in the wedding hearse and drove off. Everyone waved goodbye while Wayne and Wanda cried. Dennis said to himself, "Wow, my best friend is now married and starting his new life. Man, time flies."

"Things can't get any better now, can it?" Frank says. "Actually, it does." Joey said. "Oh, yeah." Griffin says. "What do you mean?" Murray asks. Then Joey and Griffin both say in unison. "I'm going to be a father! Wait, you too? Awesome!" Everyone cheers.

Dennis and Winnie; Zing Zings ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now