1: All I Want

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¨What have you gotten yourself into this time, josh¨

Penny groaned as she swirled the lukewarm school's spaghetti in her spork. She pulled the food upwards and towards her mouth. She got a whiff of the smell the food gave off and plopped it back onto her plate. She scrunched her nose in disgust. She looked up at Josh, who was goofily smiling. His shoulder-length wavy hair had been freshly washed, his clothes were clean and his white shirt was tucked into his jeans. He wasn't usually dirty or anything, but he was only those well kept when he was planning something. He claimed it made the "thoughts cleaner".

¨There's a girl.¨

Penny melted back into her chair and rolled her eyes. Her stomach swirled with anxiety. Maybe it was the fact that she had not yet eaten, or maybe Josh was talking about another monthly crush. Either way, her stomach hurt.

¨Isnt there always?¨

Josh tilted his head like a confused dog. His smile faded into a smirk and he shoveled the school food into his mouth. He chewed for a moment, and swallowed quickly. Seeming as if he needed to say as much as he could in small amount of time they had.

¨This girl is different, okay? I think I actually have a chance with her.¨

Penny winced a bit. Josh was not exactly popular. Neither was Penny. Every time he crushed on a girl, she seemed to be completely unattainable. A girl out of his league, someone he met over Facebook, a girl from another school- it was getting a bit ridiculous. However, this still had caught the attention of Penny. She sat up straight and laid her arm on the table.

¨Why is that?¨

Josh was still shoveling the highly mediocre l spaghetti into his mouth. He dropped his spork onto the foam plate and smiled widely once again. His eye glistened even in the fluorescent lights of the cafeterias

¨Jake is dating her. Well, kind of. It's nothing serious. If she sees jake as hot, why couldn't she see me as hot?¨

Penny was at a loss for words. His brother's girlfriend? Isn't there some kind of ¨bro code¨ against this? If not, there should be. Penny stared at him for just a moment. He smiled while eagerly waiting for a response. She could hear him tap his foot. His smile showed off his tooth gap, small but noticeable. Penny felt a tenseness in her stomach.

How many fucking girls is he going to like? How many girls must he go after that he knows will never take him or like him back? He always ends up hurt. God, I hate when he's heartbroken. He's outdone himself this time. His brothers girlfriend? That's fucked. Fuck! Mother fucking fuckery. Fuck. FUCK.

She snapped out of her minds rage and shook her head.

¨First off, Jake and you are very different. Second, isn't that off-limits? I mean It's your twin's girlfriend, there has to be some kind of rule against it. Right? Man law? Bro-code?¨

Penny was annoyed, she crossed her arms and laid back in her chair. Her shoulders were tensed upwards. Her eyes were half open, looking at Josh for whatever "bullshit" response he would give. He perked up and shook his head.

¨They're only hooking up, really. He said so himself, neither of them really like each other. Just fuck buddies or whatever. She deserves so much more than that. So, that means he doesn't have feelings for her, which means its morally okay...I think.¨

Penny tucked her curly, faded red hair behind her ear. She had dyed it many times. Some for her own reasons, some for theatre and some for Josh's short films. She had almost forgotten what her real color was. She looked down at her shoes, a pair of converse her foster mother had gotten her earlier that year. They were black high tops. She noticed the small silence and spoke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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