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It was time for them to leave. The three boys were at the entrance to the camp, waiting for Phil, Wilbur, Schlatt, and Puffy to send them off. They had armor made of a material called netherite and enough food to last them a month.

Tommy was more nervous than he thought he'd be. But when he thought back to Michael, he knew he had to go through with this. It was then that the adults walked up to them.

Phil stopped infront of the boys, "are you sure you want to do this?"

Tommy took a deep breath, "I'm sure."

"Me too." Tubbo nodded, gripping his sword tighter.

"I'm ready." Ranboo's tail flicked as he held the scythe.

Phil sighed, "alright. We have a compass that you can follow to the location. And remember, don't open the scroll until you locate the stronghold."

"We know." Ranboo said, taking the compass.

Phil smiled softly, "I'm proud of you Ranboo."

Tears pricked at Ranboo's eyes. He quickly wiped them away.

Puffy hugged Tubbo tightly, "Stay safe, little bee."

"I will mum." Tubbo told her, hugging her back his as tightly.

Schlatt placed a hand on his son's head, "you'll do great."

Tubbo gave his dad a small smile, "thanks."

Wilbur walked up to Tommy, hugging him tightly. Tommy hugged back, feeling Wilbur gently pet his wings.

"I'm proud of you Tommy." Wilbur whispered, "you've grown up so much. Please stay safe and come back."

"I will." Tommy told him, "I promise Wil."

Wilbur pulled away, a smiling at his brother and Tubbo, "one more thing before you go, I made these for you two."

Wilbur held out two compasses. One pointed to Tommy, the other to Tubbo. The boys took their respective compass. On the backs were engraved Your Tommy, and Your Tubbo.

"This way you'll never loose each other." Wilbur told them.

Tommy and Tubbo smiled at each other. They had each other, no matter what.

That was a month ago.

A few days into their journey, they were attacked. Masks and mind controlled foot soldiers rushed at them, Smilers snapping at their heels. There were so many. They couldn't fight them off.

Tommy had been thrown off a cliff, his wing dislocated. Tubbo had grabbed him at the last second. He looked so scared. A soldier had shouted something at Tubbo. Whatever it was, it made the boy freeze. He had tears in his eyes as he whispered an apology. Then he let Tommy fall.

Tommy managed to crash land without dying, but it hurt more than just physical wounds. Tubbo left him. He'd let him fall.

Now Tommy had been trying to follow his compass back to his friends. It had been a month and he was starting to run low on food. But luckily there were few attacks, mostly by Smilers.

Tommy huffed out a breath as he sat down for the night. He had found a cave that would serve well for the night. At least his wing had stopped throbbing a few weeks ago. He could probably start flying if he tried.

A small hiss made Tommy jump, quickly pulling out his axe. But instead of a monster, a small child crawled out.

They had shaggy black hair, and greyish-black skin. Multiple red eyes stared at Tommy out of the darkness. Six arms held onto the ground, preparing to fight or run.

"Hello!" Tommy gave the child a small smile, lowing the weapon, "who are you?"

The child hissed again, backing up towards the wall. Tommy reached into his ba. He pulled out the last bit of food he had saved. Tommy couldn't remember what it was called, but Phil said it would last for a while.

"Here." Tommy held out half of the food, "it's okay. I won't hurt you."

The child slowly took the food, snatching it away when they got close enough. They nibbled on it for a moment. Their eyes went wide. The child quickly devoured it.

Tommy laughed lightly as he took a few bites of his own. The child looked up at him, shuffling over his his side. They seemed to be around the same age as Michael.

"There you go. See? I'm not scary." Tommy smiled, gently rubbing the child's back, "what's your name? I'm Tommy."

The child blinked up at him. Some of his smaller eyes blinked slower than the rest.

Tommy hummed, "how about I call you Shroud?"

The child smiled, nuzzling into Tommy's side. Shroud yawned. They looked skinny. Tommy wondered how long he'd been alone.

Shroud shivered lightly against Tommy. The older frowned. Phil had been teaching him spells before they left. One of them was a fire spell. Maybe if he really concentrated...

A small fire lit in front of Tommy and Shroud. It wasn't much, but it was warm. Tommy pulled out his compass. He watched the red needle shake slightly as it honed in on Tubbo. There was a crack in the glass. Tommy frowned at that.

Tommy would find him soon. His eyes drifted shut. For tonight he was content with sleep. Shroud was deep in a dream, smiling into Tommy's shirt as the elders eyes closed. Soon, both boys were asleep.

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