|| Joining a gang ||

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Sory for not updating, I had corona

"Good to see you two showed up, here's the adress!" Naoto handed them a paper "Now go wing it!" Naoto ran to his car and drove away.

"Well, I guess let's go, wing it, like Naoto said. " Takemichi said to Hina, while holding the paper and her hand.
"Of course." Hina said while Gripping Takemichi's hand harder and walking to their car to get in.

"Oh? You're driving?" Takemichi looked at Hinata who had gotten in the drivers seat, putting on her GPS to the adress. "Yeah, I prefer driving!" Hinata said to Takemichi while starting to follow the directions, which weren't very far away
The two had made small talk in the vehicle, before arriving to the stop and getting out. It looked like they were near some abandoned house with 2 garages. They had walked to the door, and knocked, a tall dude had answered the door, and looked down a bit to see the two who were of average height.

"Oh? Who are you two?!" He had looked confused

"We want to join your gang??" Takemichi hadn't know how to do this, so he just thought asking that would suffice.
*Hinata stared at Takemichi, basically facepalming*

*Mikey ran to the door, and dragged the two in* "So what's your name!" *Mikey smirked at Takemichi*
(Takemichi is a well-known officer in this ig)
"I'm.. uhm..! I'm Take Takahashi, and she's um-" Hinata interrupts. "And I'm Hare Ishida!!"
"How cute, I'm going to call you Taka!" Mikey clings to Takemichi
Hinata stares, filled with jealousy and pushes him off. Everyone watching looks terrified.
"Could you please not? He's with me already, I hope you don't mind." Mikey backed off.

I'll write more later I'm just still kinda sick <\3

Tokyo Revengers AU. || Takemichi-HaremWhere stories live. Discover now