The reporter further explained of who could possibly done the attack and move towards the hotel reception.

Emilia: "as you can see the ones good hotel has been turned too a war zone". She explained that after the four attackers reception they split up, the taller ones went up while the other ones went towards the basement. Luckily with the help of the camera footage we managed to find out what type firearms that they had. All of them had a machine-guns.

And all of them had assault rifles

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And all of them had assault rifles.

And all of them had assault rifles

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then the reporter went up the stairs and went towards the elevators

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then the reporter went up the stairs and went towards the elevators. "As you can see one of the elevators is destroyed and the cable that was holding it was torn apart. According to the video footage the attackers were using the this elevator but before they could reach the top of the building one of the security helicopter was forced to shoot the elevator but that seemed do nothing except make the attackers shoot back at the helicopter which caused the it to lose its balance and get out of control, spinning wildly and hitting the elevator that the assailants were in. At this point we don't know what happened because we lost our camera footage but we found out that the other elevator was going up and the assailants had some how changed elevators". She called the other elevator and both her and the crew went up, when they reached the top of the building it was completely destroyed and in the middle of the balcony was a metal rope but no was hanging from it. But on the ring of the rope was red and you could see some pieces of meat hanging along with some fabric. The reporter explained exactly what had happened top floor, the firefight between the attackers and the security staff was intense but that didn't stop the assailants. She finally concluded that the attackers where after a human male  who's identity is still unknown, and it also doesn't help that his body had been stolen by unknown group.

(Meanwhile at the Akulova's household)

The family was gathering for the young y/n birthday party, ever since he came back the family was having the best time of their lives. But the same thing couldn't be said about y/n, you see the night the Akulova's attack the hotel, y/n saw everything......he saw how his grandmother and mom killed every human without any mercy, and worse he saw his uncle dead hang from the top of the hotel.....and his uncle scratched his grandmother right eye so bad that she had too get a surgery. But lucky her surgery was a success but the scars were permanent. He.....was...sad, yes his family saved him but his uncle....the man who would burn the world just for him to be happy was gone. Before the attack, his uncle gave him a letter and said only open it when he passed away, after 3 months y/n finally foundthe courage to read the letter, the letter explained what had he done, the stuff that he did when he was in the army, he was sorry that he wasn't there with him, he warned that he should trust his new family because they were worse then him, he wrote that the stuff that they did when invading Afghanistan and occupying was way worse then what he did. And at the end The only thing he asked was his forgiveness.

Little y/n was now torn apart he didn't know what too do? His uncle was bad guy but his new family had done way more evil things..... what should he do? Should he forgive them? Should he just run away? He didn't know what too do. But deep down he knew that his new family was doing their best to do something right, and he wasn't about to do something that would make them more angry and sad. He hid his letter and got up and went towards the living room where the family was waiting for him.Y/n Akulova.

But he didn't know that his uncle spirit was with him, watching him like an guardian angel. Y/n finally reached  the living room and sat down on the couch, after celebrating him they finally  brought the big cake that had his name on it,Y/N Akulova. Nataliya scars was itching, she didn't know why, well thats because Mark was glaring at her. But she forgot about the pain and put on a big smile for his grandson, the family took a selfie with all of the family, Nataliya, Nika, Dasha, Anna, Sofiya, Nikita and his wife took a selfie. Unbeknownst to them Mark was smirking while looking at the camera.  And y/n, he had the biggest and the happiest smile on his face. He had his new family.

The End.

Guys thank you, thank everyone who read, commented, and voted for this story. Thanks guys, you are the best.

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