Time seems to go by so slowly. As I listen to Winter's playlist playing softly in the car. Why does it feel lonely, I don't know. But I keep moving somehow because I need to get somewhere right now. And Winter's there at the right time.

A few minutes later I realized where we were heading. She's taking me to Han River. When we got the car parked, we both went out. Before I moved a step towards the entrance, I look at her confused when she walks to her car's trunk. She grabs a few things out before standing beside me and walk beside me together.

My heart fluttered when I saw what she was carrying. Two blankets. She leads us to the grass and settles the first blanket like we were having a picnic. I sat down facing the river and I sigh at the peacefulness. Winter gives me the other blanket before facing her back to me.

"What are you doing?" I softly ask, confused by her actions.

"I'm giving you the time for yourself. It's much better than staring at a dark classroom." She says and lies down, arms over her neck.

"Some time alone means giving yourself a break from and pressure and stress in life." Not wanting to argue, I did what she told and silently hugged my knees as I stare at the river.

I wanted to be happy, just to be happy all day... They wanted me to be perfect but I couldn't shine properly. I was criticized silently and I was crumbling inside.

"Become perfect," My eyes are glazed over. Delicate glass tears blur my vision.

"Yes, I promise."

I feel the pressure of their achievements weighing me down. Hopes on me were high. The fear of failure was stealing my pride.

Tell me, are you hurting dear?

You don't gotta hide your tears

A soft voice behind me suddenly disrupts me from my train of thoughts. I didn't bother to turn around because I knew it was Winter singing a song.

I only want to hold you near

So you can put all your weakness on me

This time, you don't even have to try

I'm here to walk you through this life

So you can put all your weakness on me

Without even realizing it, tears were slowly flowing down from my eyes.

"Winter-ah," I call and she hums, waiting for me to continue. Her name rests between my lips like a prayer, or maybe something sweeter. "Thank you," She sat up and faces me with a smile plastered on her face.


Night changes nothing when she's as beautiful during the honest hue of the day as she is to be bathed in moonlight.

"Anything for you beautiful,"

She then hugs me. An embrace, loving warm. I cupped her face, making her look at me.

"Are you fine now?" I ask in which she smiles and nods slowly.

She checks her phone and I couldn't help but take out my phone and take a photo of her. She's undeniably beautiful.

Imagination II WinrinaWhere stories live. Discover now