It didn't look forced, it wasn't, just by the way he encircled those same hands that wrapped themselves around her the other day for comfort was now around the girl pulling her closer, she knew it, it was mutual.

A sharp pain reverberated her chest, the taste of her salty tears were felt in her lips.

Jimin pulled back smiling at her and the way he eyed her with atmost love was enough for Rhythm to cup her mouth and hide behind the wall not wanting to be seen.

She didn't want to be here anymore and just as she was going to walk she was stopped by his voice.


She was fast to wipe of her tears before she felt him right infront of her with the unknown girl.

"I want to introduce you to someone. Meet Kang Seoyoon"

Rhythm looked up finally setting her eyes upon the girl. And she didn't fail to internally gasp at her beauty. Real beauty. Her long eyelashes beautifully covered her hazel eyes that shined under the sunlight, long brown hair flowed down elegantly. Her sharp nose and her slight plump lips coudnt do justice to her perfectly v shaped face.

A sense of insecurity spread within Rhythm. How can she even think he will like her when he is with someone so annoyingly beautiful. Rhythm knew she didn't have good looks, or a good fashion, so there was completely no chance against the girl standing Infront of her. Ant the next think Jimin said wasn't unexpected but it had greater effects on Rhythm. Truth is always hard.

"My girlfriend" he beamed pulling the girl closer.

"And yoon- ah this is Rhythm, my student and friend"

Fine did she just get friend zoned now? And she never even in her dreams thought that getting friend zoned was this hard. The more she stood Infront of him the more she suffocated.

Jimin soon frowned,

"Did you cry Rhythm? Are your eyes red?" He leaned down to see but she was fast to step back.

"I need to go" with that she left him.

Placing herself in a faraway bench she broke down, all her emotions pouring out. She had to know, for someone who was as good looking as Jimin it was obvious he was taken. It was all her fault, to take common gestures of concern towards her from him as lov- . Love? Wasn't that a such big word. Only because he was so generous and caring towards her doesn't mean he loves her right? But why was she like this? Because it was rare for her to receive so much care and love from someone, was it her fault to mistake it as love, was it her fault to not receive enough since she was small, was it her fault to not know what is real and not, was it her fault to never get that attention she yearned from her parents. It was her fault. It was her fault to not be normal, to get crazy visuals of the future. To be different. All these thoughts that ran in her head came out as tears from her eyes. The more she thought about it the more she cried harder.

She wanted Elise so badly, but she was unfortunate in this too, Elise was recently elected as the school's president so she would be in rounds now. She had to cry all alone.

A sudden hand pulled her to its embrace and the moment she felt the warmth she couldn't help but clench onto it's shirt and cry. Why was she crying? Is it because Jimin liked someone else? Does that mean she loved him?

"You saw it too?" He asked and she nodded "fool. You liked him"

She was a fool, the biggest fool in the world.

"Does that mean I loved him?" She asked looking up at him, he saw her delicate face and for once felt like protecting her and guide her in the right path which he couldn't in the case of his sister, in the end loosing her.

The Blessed Curse - PJM FFWhere stories live. Discover now