chapter 9

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She hoped to the class, physics! A deep liking towards the subject was felt within her, she didn't know what really was the reason, was it the subject itself or was it the teacher who was teaching the subject.

Jimin entered the class getting all girls to fangirl along with Rhythm, she was no exception, she knew to appreciate beauty.

He wrote a problem on the board and gave a time slot to solve it while he walked along columns checking if everyone were doing it right.

Things seemed so easy to Rhythm, even though her friend groaned near her not getting the answer, she was already half way through it, and she was sure as never before that she would get the correct answer.

She felt Jimin's presence near her, and soon she grew a bit nervous. He had this effect on her. He pointed to one point in the answer and left. When she rechecked the point again she realised she did a calculation mistake.

Biting her tongue in realization she scratched it and corrected. In just after 5 minutes she was done and she shot her hand up, getting amazed looks from her classmates especially from Blue. Rhythm couldn't help but smirk at the girl.

"Done Rhythm??" Jimin walked to her place as she handed him her paper with sky level confidence.

His eyes scanned through the answers and then he smiled.

"Rhythm is the first one to complete with correct answers that is, so give a big applause" he clapped followed by the rest. Elise couldn't believe her eyes at her friends sudden intelligence but she couldn't even hide the idiotic smile on of her face as Jimin went back to the front to assemble his books, the bell rang marking the end of the period.

Elise nudged Rhythm,

"Classes with him really did work didn't it?"

"Sure it did" Rhythm beamed admiring her professor as he threw the chalk back in its box.

"Well looks like something else is also going to work out" Elise winked getting Rhythm to blush.

Jimin striked her a smile getting many death glares to direct towards her but she didn't care, she smiled back. Butterflies occupying her stomach.

She hadn't spoken with him for two days now and he hadn't even kept any extra classes saying he had some work, so it was lunch and she decided to meet him. As she walked through the corridors in search of him she heard gossips and rumours, sure not about her. She was never a main topic ever, except the time Blue decided to spill out the unforgotten.

Her ears professionaly picked up some whisperings about a new young chemistry teacher, who was told to be really pretty and 'like a Disney princess', that was exactly what she heard one girl with a cute Bob haircut exclaim to her bored friend.

Pursing her lips and locking her hand behind she peeped inside the physics lab only to be welcomed by lifeless wires and non interesting large circuits.

Sighing she thought of the only place he would be in, the Garden!! Beaming the moment she got a glimpse of his face in her mind and that charming smile that was directed towards her , not to forget those eyes that literally goes on a hideout whenever he smiles, she couldn't help but feel her heartbeat rise.

Once she stepped on the green lush grass of the garden she turned around the corner to-

She stopped. Her legs dared not to move. Her mind grew blank as her eyes was fixed infront of her. Right under the tree were two of them, those tousled hair, the lifted up sleeves, and those milky cheeks can never go unidentified by her. Tears welled up her eyes that she was unaware of, her eyes not leaving the sight of her professor cupping the face of the girl a little shorter than him and kissing her.

The Blessed Curse - PJM FFWhere stories live. Discover now