Secret Agent Selections

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Umm, guns warning I guess? 

BTW here's a funny video.

I know this is supposed to be my break and all but I had this shit idea that Kiyo wants to join the Japanese Secret Forces and I just had to write this in whatever breaktime I could find.

Memes at the end.

"Excuse me sir but why is a teenager here?"

"Agent F don't let looks fool you, though he is younger than all the other candidates he was the only one to get full marks in the written exam and the displayed inhuman scores in the physical tests." said Agent M. He himself was astonished at the scores but his training required for him to not show any signs of emotions of his face that would give away his thoughts.

"But its says here that the candidate is only 20! How did he even apply for the job when its existence is a government secret?", Agent F exclaimed.

Agent M gave him a withering look, "Hell if I know! It probably means his existence and background is beyond us! Don't ask any unnecessary questions when he enters!"

At exactly that moment, the doors opened and their Director walked in along with the boy whose picture was in the file they were holding. 

The director nodded at them and said, "This is Ayanakouji Kiyotaka as you probably already know. He was recommended to this position by the minister."

Agent F's mouth fell open in complete disregard for his training. Even Agent M was having a hard time comprehending the news.

Just who is this kid?


Kiyotaka was now standing in front of a table covered with various types of guns. To his left was a shooting range. 

He picked up an assault rifle. It was the first in years he had touched a gun but he remembered all the hellish training days. After escaping from the White Room, he swore that he would never touch a gun for the rest of his life.

Even when he killed his father he didn't utilize any guns which were in the White Room. Instead he quite literally slapped him dead.

He was only standing here because he had threatened the Defence Minister of Japan to reveal his connection the White Room. 

As to why he was holding a gun now and wanted to join the secret services of Japan the reason was simple.

Spies in movies look really cool. 

Yup simple as that. 

He could feel the officials curious gazes on his back as he turned towards the shooting range.

He put the butt of the gun to his shoulder and took a deep breath closing eyes. His whole body did not move even a millimeter for 5 whole seconds. The others in the room watched with bated breath waiting for the first bullet to be fired. 

He captured all the dummies present on the range in his mind including the moving ones for which he pictured their movements according to the pattern of its movements he had observed since coming into the room.

Finally, he opened his eyes and immediately started firing.


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