Serial Killer

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This was an ending I considered for the main fic. As I told you, I'm seriously not afraid to kill the main characters in my story. 

"Hello Yosuke, or should I say Officer Hirata?"

Hirata gulped. He removed his gun with his holster and placed it on the long table. The man sitting on the other side was someone he knew very well or atleast he thought he did. He had been one of the reasons for him to join the police force and work towards making Japan a safer place.

Ayanakouji Kiyotaka.

He was sitting in a chair which had a small incline towards the front of the seat. It was designed for convicts feet to get numb after the pressure on the heels. An interrogation tactic.

He glanced towards the mirror which he knew was a one-sided glass window with many of his superiors on the other side. He looked back at the man sitting on the chair. He had a calm expression on his face. His hair had grown a ridiculous amount almost covering his eyes and his beard was wild and unkept. His bruised hands were cuffed to the table with cuffs made of steel.

"Did you really do it?"

"Yes", he replied with a calm voice. The golden eyes stared straight into his. Normally it would have meant that he was lying but he knew that Kiyotaka was telling the truth.

"Why did you surrender? No one even knew it was you too." Every murder had the police and government officials baffled. There was never a clue to be left. Just dead bodies with a horrified expressions on their faces and mangled bodies. Weapons were never found. 

The thing that frightened the public even more was the fact that, all of the murders were high profile individuals with millions to their names. Their homes were littered with security cameras and guards, but none ever captured the man sitting in front of him.

Three days ago, the Prime Minister of the country was found dead in his personal office, the statue of lady justice impaled in his chest. The whole world went into panic. While many country was mourning the loss of a kind leader, many on social media had hot debates on what the meaning of the lady justice in the murder signified. 

Was our Prime Minister really not the smiling, nice person we made him out to be?

And then it happened yesterday night...

There were several helicopters in the air. The police sirens could be heard all throughout the night. All for one man. There was a large sign with the words, 'I did it' at the foot of the stairs to the Supreme Court Of Japan and on the statue of lady justice sitting on the arm that held up the balance was Ayanakouji Kiyotaka. The serial killer. The murderer of the the Prime Minister of Japan. 

The nation went into an uproar. People had been outside the police station for hours where Kiyotaka had been taken to. Everyone wanted him dead. 

"I can't say that.", he replied in his monotone voice.

He made a loud sigh. This was not what he wanted, he had agreed to interrogate him hoping that he would answer him something which countless other interrogators could not achieve. 

"Kiyotaka, I'll give it to you straight. The whole country is crying out for your execution. I'm probably the only one who can help you right now, and if you keep refusing to answer you will die!", he said with his voice raising with every word he uttered.

Kiyotaka just kept silent, looking at him with a blank face. 

What is wrong with him? Does he want to die or something?

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