Chapter 18: Safe (Vol. 1 End)

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He had done it. Tahiko was able to overcome his foe and take out the demon in one swift blow. However, as evidenced by his body collapsing onto the floor. It was not without pushing himself too far. Chances were that he would never be able to use that draining move of his more than once without passing out.

"Are you all right!?" Fukuna rushed over to the pair as the body of the demon he had faced began to evaporate. An oddly child friendly way of death after the boy cut him in half.

"I'm fine." Amasa replied as she sat up. The pair looked over at Tahiko's unconscious body lying on the hard ground. "Is he okay?"

"You know he's just passed out." Though despite the laid-back response, she did check the boy's pulse to ensure he didn't hit his limits one too many times. The last time he did this happened to be right on top of her after nearly getting hit by a car. That was certainly one of the most awkward moments of her life, to have a boy just plow his face right onto her breasts in that manner. He was heavy too, so she couldn't just push him off so easily back then. Thankfully Amasa had come running along to catch up to them.

"Not going to be easy dragging him back this time." Amasa commented on his metal armor. To the boy, there was no limitation in mobility compared to not having it. So it was an easy decisions to choose to wear it in case of combat. Unfortunately, him not feeling the weight was different than it not weighing anything. So they'd definitely notice the change from the last time they had to do this. "It's getting late, so at least we won't have to worry about people seeing us.

"Guess we better get to it." She responded, then the pair lifted the boy up and began the long trek back home. Amasa was silent through the initial portions of their walk. The girl simply just kept glancing back onto Tahiko's face, as if wanting to say something.

That demon had something personal to do with the boy. So of course, it was him to blame for her getting into another troubling situation again. Though this time was more closer to life-and-death instead of being a nuisance of embarrassment. With that said, he also risked his life for her. Even after the way she had treated him during his time here. "You're thinking of how to thank him, aren't you?" Fukuna took note of her conflicted face to ask the question on her mind.

"What? No I'm not." Flustered, Amasa could only deny and turn her face away from the girl. "How hard is it to say 'thank you' to someone who saved your life?"

"We all know you better than that." The girl laughed. "Always letting your pride get in the way of being nice. You know, so people don't make the so-called mistake of thinking you care about them."

"Shut up." She didn't like this manner of teasing about her nature. "He's an idiot for nearly getting us all killed."

"See, there you go with the insulting." It was quite predictable on how she was going to act. "Just admit it, you're a grade A, total tsundere."

"Just because I read manga doesn't mean I act like any of those characters." She retorted as they reached his house. "Now, just leave us alone." At this point, help was no longer needed. Amasa didn't want him to get inside until he woke back up.

"All right." Fukuna took the cold message and began to make her leave.

"And thanks..." She paused though when the other girl spoke up again. "Um, thanks coming to save me."

"Hmph." A devious expression came onto her face. "Well, it's only because Tahiko asked me to come by. I was only doing it for him." She stuck out her tongue and pulled an eye lid down in a mocking manner. Pretty much defeating her earlier point as to why that girl didn't normally thank others. After that, she left.

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