Six Feet Under

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Cas' POV

I groaned opened my eyes taking in my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was, I was in my car. The worst part, all I could see out the windows was dirt.

"No no no no no..." I repeated as I realized what happened. "DAMMIT!!" I screamed and beat the steering wheel. There was a groan in the back seat and I spun around. The man in the backseat turned over and squinted looking up at me.

"Cassie?" Balthazar. How did he get here?

"Balthy!" I climbed over the seat and hugged him. "Are you okay? Can you move? How did you get here? The hell did you do to your hair?" I ask at a hundred miles per hour.

"My legs won't move. I don't know how I got here, and a new haircut. You like it? Wait a second! We are buried alive aren't we?" He stayed still as I pulled his pants leg up. His legs were black and blue with bruises and something way worse. He was bleeding internally.

"Umm...I think I might have to cut your legs open to release the pressure." I looked at him and there was fear displayed on his face. "Don't worry. I won't let you bleed out. You just have to trust me that's all." I climbed into the front seat and grabbed a pocket knife and ripped a piece of cloth off my jacket. "Bite on this and don't fight the urge to pass out. I handed him the cloth and he stared at it.

"We're gonna die in here Cas. What's the point. We will run out of air soon and suffocate. Nobody knows where we are." I gulped at his sudden hopelessness and I didn't know what to say back. He was right. Dean was in the hospital and neither of our phones had batteries. "We're gonna die and I still need to tell you something." His eyes met with mine and I didn't have time to blink before our lips connected. The kiss lasted a few seconds and deepened. Then I remembered Dean. I pulled away and turned away from him.

"I'm sorry..." He began to speak but I shook my head.

"Don't fight the urge to pass out...and don't you dare die." I look him in the eyes seriously as he puts the cloth back in his mouth to bite on. I grab my pocket knife and look at him one last time.

Deans POV

My phone rang as I took it out my pocket.


"Dean Winchester, Castiel Novak and a friend have been buried in their car. I will text you the bank account to leave my three million dollars in. When the instructions are followed I will provide you with coordinates. You now have twelve hours." My heart stopped. Everything felt like it wasn't real. The earth stopped turning. I ran. I ran back to the hospital and searched for Sammy and Gabe. They saw me and they ran to me. That's when the news sank in and I started having a panic attack.

"He..he got...Cas..he's..." I kept trying to speak but nothing I said made sense.

"Dean calm down. Where's Cas?" Sam put an arm around me to hold me up and Gabe did the same.

"He got him! Their buried alive for ransom. Three million dollars" I say in a rushed voice as they help me to a chair.

"He's what?!" Gabes eyes were about to pop out of his head. I choked out a sob and hung my head in my hands. What could I do now? I don't have three million dollars. I can't come up with that in twelve hours. Negative thoughts streamed through my head until a new voice spoke up;

"I didn't raise no quitter. Get your ass up and put that big brain of yours to use boy! You want him found ain't nobody gonna do it for you." At these times my father could be really smart and know exactly what to say.

"Dad that's a little harsh." Sam said and I stood up walking out of the hospital again. He was right. Nobody is gonna save my angel for me. I won't let him fall like this. I will find him just like I always do.

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