The date

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Deans POV


"Dude, it's in your hand." Sam pointed to my hand and sat on the bed head in my hands. "Just calm down Dean everything's gonna go great."

"I'm not worried about the date. If Dad comes back tonight before I'm here..."

"I'll stay out of his way Dean. Don't worry about me. Have fun with Castiel. I'm going to be fine I promise." Sam said calmly and I took a deep breath.

"Alright. Here I go!" I said walking out the door. One step at a time towards happiness...maybe.

Castiels POV

I pulled my trench coat on and checked my self in the mirror for the 20th time tonight.

"Looking good Cassie!" Anna squealed.

"I told you to stop calling me that. I didn't like it when I was 5 and I sure don't like it more now."

"Sorry...On the bright side you and Dean are super cute together." I smiled and hugged her.

"Alright idiots lets get this show on the road." Gabe said smiling in a corner.

"Wait! Thank you both. You always supported me no matter what. Even when mom through me out. I'm glad I have family like you guys." I smiled and Gabe gave me a slight punch on the shoulder.

There was the honk of a horn outside and my stomach was all in butterfly's again. I ran out the door yelling goodbye and then hopped in the front seat of his Impala.

"Hey angel." He smiled

"I hate nicknames.." I said.

"Sorry...I just thought because of the wings and all-"

"It's okay Dean." I say cutting him off. He turns on the radio and Led Zeppelin starts playing.

I laugh as he pretends to be a drummer on the steering wheel so I play along and do air guitar.

Everything was okay for half the drive then I noticed something. I looked over while his sleeves were up slightly and see scars put there on purpose. He looks over and sees me looking then quickly pulls his sleeve down.

"You weren't supposed to see that..." He said sadly.

"It's okay, you can tell me when your ready." I smiled. I can't help but wonder what happened that made him feel the need to cause physical harm to himself. It just seems strange since he acts so happy. I guess what they say is true, one smile really does hide a million tears.

We arrive at the restaurant, more like small diner and he gets out and opens the door for me, considering he had no choice since he locked me in.

We got seated and ordered our food.

"So Cas...I mean Castiel, got any family?"

"You can call me Cas, I like it. And yes I have a brother and a sister. My parents threw me out when they found out I was gay. I had another sister and a few brothers before but now it's just Anna, Gabe, and me." I smiled. "What about you?"

"My mom died when I was 8. My dad works a lot leaving me to take care of Sam, my little brother." He said.

"I'm-" I started to say sorry for your loss but he put a hand up to stop me. "Where did you move from?"

"I can't remember anymore. We move so much I barely have time for people anymore."

"I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope you get to stick around and explore some more." I said winking and watched as his cheeks became pink. The waitress came by and set a burger in front of the both of us.

Strange Affection (destiel/ Punk¡Cas Nerd¡Dean)Where stories live. Discover now