30) Pine Drive

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[Author's Note:

{5.20.2013} Edited some grammatical and spelling errors

X-men Characters in this Chapter: Nightcrawler (Kurt), Professor X (Charles Xavier), Storm (Ororo), Beast (Dr. McCoy), Rogue (Marie), Gambit (Remy), Iceman (Bobby), and Magma (Amara)

StormFireGirl's OC: Bio-hazard (A.J.)

OCs: the Shadow (Marcus Preed) and Panther (Emery).]

The Professor had called Beast, on their way back to the mansion. Beast rounded up Rogue, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Magma, and Bio-hazard. They were the only ones healthy enough, that were also trained for field work, in the mansion currently. Although the Professor would have preferred Bio-hazard get a little more rest before she went out in the field again, he couldn't deny that having her destructive capabilities against this particular enemy would be helpful.

When they arrived at Pine Drive, they were ready for the worst. There were only nine of them, and each of them held a dispelling band. Arriving at the cabin had been an accomplishment. Marcus appeared outside and they instantly dropped into their fighting stances. They threw everything that had at him that they could throw from long distance: Bio-hazard's toxin, Remy's explosive cards, Storm's lightning, Magma's lava, and Iceman even chipped in with shards of ice. Beast and Nightcrawler waited for the dust to clear. Marcus was standing there with a frown on his face when it did, particles of plasma circling around him.

"You really should learn to stay out of things X-men."

"Where's Emery?" Nightcrawler yelled.


Kurt, intending to go into the house, tried to teleport. Marcus had him on his knees before he could finish the thought. His ears were ringing, his head searing in pain. His teammates were all on the ground rolling in pain. After what felt like hours, but was really only a few seconds, the ringing stopped. This was exactly what Emery did. He looked up at Marcus.

"You aren't going anywhere. None of you can beat me. None of you can stop me. What makes you think that you can come to my home and attack me? What makes you think you can take someone like her from someone like me?"

"Give her back," Kurt demanded.

"She doesn't want to go back, especially to someone like you. You'll hurt her."

"I would never...!" Kurt started.


'Kurt hush,' the Professor said mentally.

"Marcus," the Professor called. "What do you want Emery for?"

"That's none of your business X-man."

"Is she okay?" the Professor asked.

"She's fine."

"Can we have some sort of reassurance that she's fine?"

"You can have my word."

"Can we see her?"

"No. You can die."

Marcus raised his hand towards the group of X-men, helplessly standing there. They knew this enemy was powerful and they knew there wasn't anything within their powers that they could do to stop him.

"No! Marcus don't!" Emery yelled, jumping in front of Marcus.

Marcus twisted his powers upwards, just barely missing Emery, and because of its new direction it missed everyone else too. He glared at her.

"Don't. Hurt. Them," she commanded.

Kurt teleported towards Emery. Maybe he could get her out of there.

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