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adam and leah pat one another on the helmet as they glided upon the ice. even if the rest of team usa felt like they were ready to the level of the two banksies, they couldn't have been further away.

the second the siren that signalled the start of the game blew, everything fell apart for team usa. jesse had taken centre ice, with dean behind his left, guy behind his right, and adam and leah beside him.

adam wished he was assigned centre ice, because jesse clearly wasn't prepared to win the puck. jesse and the opposing iceland player clashed sticks for the puck, fumbling the game in its first few seconds. as dean slid up to centre ice, the iceland player tumbled to the floor dramatically.

"oh come on, get up." dean scoffed.

the referee blew his piercing whistle. "foul! ran at him unprovoked." the referee called, startling dean as he turned around and knocked the referee down. "calm down, son. you are out of the game!"

"what?" leah exclaimed incredulously.

portman fumed as the referee attended his exit of the ice. the boy punched the boards furiously, storming away as the game began. not even three seconds in, and adam and leah felt like their team were fumbling.

the game kicked off. due to the foul, iceland were given possession of the puck from centre ice. defensively, leah cleared the ice and tagged to the side of a beefy iceland player.

iceland were precise and well-practised, the puck passing between them casually as team usa tripped and stumbled trying to intercept it. leah ditched her position on the far end of the ice to try and win the puck.

"get the puck!" goldberg bellowed, desperately trying to defend all entry points to the goal.

as an iceland player gently nudged the puck to another player, leah swooped in angrily and shot the puck to adam on the other side of the blue line. the stands roared, but leah couldn't hear anything.

the girl sped down the ice, her speed leaving the sea of usa and iceland players behind. it was just adam, leah, two defenders, and the iceland goalie. fortunately, adam and leah had practised weaving and shooting more than enough.

as adam and leah weaved around and passed the puck to one another, adam quickly shot the puck at the goal at first opportunity. the puck whipped into the net, sending the whole goal sliding backward. the siren sounded as the team cheered.

after adam's goal, he was sent off the ice for a quick break. leah took centre ice at the reset, face to face with a new iceland player.

"lucky goal." he remarked, narrowing his eyes in attempt to intimidate the girl. leah was unfazed, remaining silent as she anticipated the drop of the puck.

the referee blew his whistle. as soon as the puck hit the ice, leah was gone with it. she shot the puck to jesse, who made his way to dwayne further down the ice.

leah felt a harsh shove hit her back, sending her in a wave toward the ice. she looked up fiercely, feeling anger bubble through her veins as the iceland player smirked and slid away slyly.

once leah got to her feet, she groaned at the sight of dwayne showboating with the puck. he tipped the black puck off the end of his stick, flinging the puck around and catching it. but within seconds, iceland caught his fumble and sped away with the puck.

leah shot down the ice, watching for her moment to swoop in as they glided closer toward her. as the girl began to push off, her skates cutting against the fresh ice, she felt breeze pass through her cage into her helmet. however, leah didn't make it very far as she was knocked to the side, sending her skidding along the ice. the girl groaned, quickly pushing herself up. alas, iceland had already shot the puck into the net.

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