I pulled his face infront of me and before he could do anything kissed him like my life depended on it. I pulled away after a while, Javen looked like someone had taken away his favourate toy, I smirked at that, you know what they say 'leave em wanting more'.

I turned and looked at Amber with one of my victorious smiles, she looked like she was gonna murder somebody and I couldn't care less, he's my man and she should get that through her thick head.

Sure they dated for a while but he's mine now, period.

Then I give her one of my best fake smiles I could master "we should go to our first class guys" and with that I drag him away with my friends but not before giving Amber a death glare.

"Well that was tense" sophia says once we reach in class.

"Yah, I was one second away from punching the living day lights out of her" Emily says rolling her eyes.

Ryan chuckles at that "We leave them for two days, and there already getting physical".

"Nice going girl, kissing Javes like that in front of her" Soph says with a wink.

"Yah, just next time not in front of us" Axel says shuddering at the memory.

"As much as I hate to say this, Axel's right" Ry mumbles earning a glare from Ax.

"Damn, I should probably get Amber to talk to me like that, I can get you to act all possesive its hot" Javen says with a mischievous smile. With that all our heads snap at him.

"What!" I ask and glare at him, if looks could kill.

And now they all look at me, the next thing I know the boys bust out laughing and sophia joining them, while Emily tries miserably to keep it in.

I had my first period with all of em and second period with the girls.

"Urgh, I am sooo hungry" Emily groans once the bell goes for lunch.

"Yah me too" soph says with a tired.

Before I could respond we heard the principal's old voice from the school monitor "Miss Jones can you please come by the principal's office, thank you".

Groaning I looked at my friends and found them giving me weird looks.


"What did your sister do now!" Sophia asks pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Don't know, don't care, now let's go" I dragged them to get food or so I thought.

shaking her head continuously, she got out of my hold and said "Dude, its ok just go we'll order for you, don't wanna make the old man angry" Emes says, clearly not in the mood of arguing with me on this.

With a groan, I made my way to the principal's office.

Reaching the hallway, I entered the door that has ' Principal's Office' in bold letters.

I made my way inside, and I saw the secretary, Mrs Brown is in her 50's and she's so sweet, I wonder how she copes working with Mr Gilbert because he's a grumpy old man.

"Hello Mrs B"I greet with a smile.

"Hello there child" she replies with her beautiful smile, showing her pearly white teeth.

"How are you!"

She chuckles lightly "well I'm alive aren't I!".

"How's the young man doing, Javen is it!?"She asks, her British accent flowing out just the way I like it. Man, I love that accent.

"He's fine and yes thats his name"

"Please don't tell me that this-" I point at Mr Gilbert's office "-is about my sister again"

At the mention of my sister, her face immediately changed and I knew.

*knock knock*

"come in" I heard the all too familiar voice boom.

I entered and I was met with a very angry Principal, and opposite him was my sister typing away on her cell.

"Good afternoon, Mr G, wasup" I laughed nervously.

"Well Ms. Jones as you know I run the most prestigious school in the country-" my sister rolled her eyes and honestly I was tempted to do the same thing.

"-I don't have time for petty affairs like this-" he pointed at my sister and continued...

"-you got here because of your scholarship now if you don't want to lose, it I suggest you talk to your sister" at the mention of m, no our scholarship being canceled my eyes widened.

"No ofcourse not Sir, no need for that, I'll talk to her this won't happen again, I promise" I told him firmly, meaning every word.

"I hope so, I wouldn't want to lose you as my student" with that he dismissed us.

Stepping outside, I wished Mrs Brown a good day and continued our way out. The moment we reached in the hallway I lost it.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" I snapped at her. She flinched at my sudden outburst but I couldn't careless.

"Would you shut it woman, my ears are bleeding" she dramatically touched her ears.

"Your ears are.. "I scoffed and ran a hand through my hair, something I do when I'm stressed and angry, by this time I was passing back and forth.

"Oh please Iz, we both know that even if our scholarships got canceled, you'd still go to school here coz of your rich boyfriend" she says with ease.

Oh no she didn't.

"First of all, Javen is not responsible for paying my tuiton OUR mother is and secondly, don't you EVER bring him up in your bullshit. I hope hanging with those sluts is worth it" Now it was her turn to be angry.

"Javen is the reason why you walking around here acting like some queen-", I scoffed and she continued "-and those girls are not sluts" she says the last part through greeted teeth.

"You know what I'm not doing this with you. I'm too hungry and tired to argue with your ass-" I sighed knowing well that this won't be going anywhere with both of us shouting, softening my voice a little I approached her.

"Jessica you need to stop this, getting into trouble even hanging out with those girls there nothing but trouble, think about mom"

She scoffed flipping her hair side ways "I don't need you or anybody to tell me who I can or can not hangout with"

Then so be it. "You know what! your right. Your old enough to make your own decisions so you do you and I'll do me but get this through your thick skull Jess. I'm not losing my scholarship because of your bitchy ass so I won't think twice before giving you out"

With that I stormed off to the cafeteria because I was starving, and well the perks of going to a rich school is getting great food.


Word count :1780

Author's note
So wat did you guys think, will Jess stop behaving like that b4 its too late!? 🤔

a special thx to my friend meti, I wouldn't have done it without you girl so THANK YOU💖😘

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