Chapter Twelve: Exploring the internet

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So, we started to look around but we didn't exactly know where to go first. There was so much to see and do but we didn't know what to see first. I saw someone who might be able to help us. Behind us was a purple person with one of those hats that professors wear who was behind a desk with books behind him. I think he's a search engine because someone asked him for ballet tights. I told Candy about him and suggested going to him for suggestions.

He thought we were part of the internet when we came over. He said we should be on the Disney side of the internet because I'm a Chimney Sweep from Mary Poppins and Candy is a king. We didn't even say anything. He just assumed. Candy told him that we were actually from Litwak's Arcade and that we were only visiting for the day. They just started to talk more while I looked around to see what I could see from here. Candy got my attention after a moment saying he found somewhere we can go first. It was a place called YouTube.

He said that it would tell us all about the internet. Well, it's a start. We went there and found a song to explain the internet. But we left when it got a bit too mature for us. I think we got an idea after that. We just looked for other videos to look at. But most of what we saw was funny, strange, and kinda disappointing. For example, the song I sang about all the different worlds, it already exists and we thought I made it up there and then. I suppose not everyone is original but it was fun.

And Candy assured me that it didn't matter whether it already existed or not. It's still my song in his mind. That made me happy. We went to another video to watch after that and take our minds off it. But I quickly noticed that Candy had disappeared on me. Is there something wrong? What's happened? I started to look for him.

I asked someone who was part of YouTube if they had seen him nearby and, thankfully, they did and took me to him. He was alone watching another video. It was a video that had advice to stop people's lisp. Wait... is he trying to learn to get rid of his lisp? Why? I like the lisp. Why would he want to get rid of it?

"Candy?" I said getting his attention.

"(Y/N)! I can explain!" Candy said quickly

"You want to get rid of your lisp?"

"I do."


"I can't tell you..."

"Why? You know I won't be mad whatever the reason is. Just tell me."

Candy fiddled with his hands as he looked down. It's something he's clearly ashamed of if he doesn't want to tell me.

"I jutht thought... I thought you didn't like it tho I wanted to learn to talk normally for you," Candy said looking at me with a sad look

"Seriously? You think I didn't like your lisp?" I asked

"It'th jutht, you talk beautifully and you talk tho much better than me and I jutht wanted to appear leth childith with my thpeech."

I sighed, "Candy, if I didn't like your lisp, I would've told you a year and a half ago. I love your lisp because it makes you who you are as a character and as a person. I don't care what kind of speech you have. As you know, I was forcing my speech when we first met and you told me the problem straight away and I was okay with it. I would've told you about your lisp being a problem after you mentioned my cockney accent. But I didn't because the lisp suits you better than anyone I've ever met. So, do me a favor and get the idea that I don't like it out of your head because it's not true."

"I'm thorry. I wathn't thinking."

"I forgive you. Just think or, better yet, ask me first next time and we won't have this problem again."

"Okay," Candy smiled

I smiled back. We decided to move onto the Disney section that was mentioned. Okay, there's a lot here. Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and Classic Disney. And Mary Poppins with the characters from the sequel. Yeah, I'm going to stay away from her. I know she might not be the same as the one I know but you never know. We looked around and this place is massive! I guess there are a lot of places to explore and a lot of content here. We started in the Disney section.

But there are a lot of princesses here. Candy would fit right in. They saw us at one point and started talking with us. They only came over because apparently the Chimney Sweeps here are friendly with everyone and they thought they knew me. I told them who I was and where we came from and they realized they didn't know me. But that didn't stop them from being friendly and showing us around. Something that didn't go unnoticed was they really liked the idea of Candy and me together.

To be honest, I like it too but I don't think he'd love me back. I mean, I'm below him status-wise. Why would he like someone in the lower class when he could have someone in the upper class or a princess? I'm just a Chimney Sweep. Some of the princesses took us away from each other and asked me if we were together or if I liked him. I just said I liked him. That was enough for them to put me in a dress (One above) and prepare me to dance with him!

Okay, I'm still a terrible dancer! Either way, they said this would help us get together. I doubt that but I'll give it a try anyway. We met in a ballroom where we danced to Beauty and the Beast. I got the hang of it and we enjoyed ourselves. But once the dance had ended, this conversation happened;

"(Y/N), I have thomething to confeth," Candy said

"Yes?" I said.

He looked at me, "The real reathon I wath learning to get rid of my lithp is becauthe... I love you and I thought it was getting in the way of you liking me back. I'm thorry."

I didn't know what to say. I got my confession but this is the part I do it back. But I can't. Nerves were taking over now. I don't know what to do or say now. Knowing I was already making a fool of myself, I just left and went outside of Disney. What's wrong with me? I've made two mistakes. Not replying and leaving. I've dug myself into a hole I'm not getting out easily. 

Candy is dandy but love is sweeter (King Candy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now