Chapter Two: Meeting the King

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So I've been in a dungeon made of fudge for hours now. I think for as long as the arcade is usually open. They took my brush thinking it has a hidden weapon which it doesn't. The two donut police soon came to fetch me and brought me to the throne room. Wow, the amount of pink is shocking. There was a big throne at the end of the hallway of pink. But no place to sit. I just stood there in liquorice chains waiting for the king. He came in his car and parked it at the throne. Oh, his car is the chair! That's actually smart. He took off some goggles and stepped out of the cart.

"Good to meet ya, Gov'nor," I said smiling and forcing my cockney accent.

"Who are you?" The king asked in a rather jolly voice. He sounds like Uncle Albert.

"The name's (Y/N). A Chimney Sweep from Mary Poppins Chimney Sweep Adventure. What's your name?"

"I'm King Candy."

"Cute name."

"What are you doing here?"

"I got bored. But I ain't doin' any 'arm."

He was quiet. I just waited for him to say something.

"You're forcing your accent," King Candy said.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"Your accent. It'th forced."

He has a lisp. But how did he catch that I was forcing my accent? I guess he knows a lot for a king.

"Not a lot of people catch that," I say in my normal accent, "in fact, you're the first. Also, do you mind if I call you Candy? That is if I'm ever allowed back here. It is your kingdom after all."

"You think I'll allow you back here after game jumping in my game? No! You-"

"Okay. Okay. Save the speech. I'll leave!" I said interrupting him.

He seemed kind of shocked. I don't know if it was because I interrupted him or because I instantly agreed to leave. I've been in this scenario a few times so I'm used to being banned from games. He walked towards me. He was my height.

"Have you been kicked out of gameth before?" King Candy asked.

"More times than I care to count," I said, "but if you want me gone, I'll leave with no arguments."

"I'll think about it then I'll tell you."

"Okay then. I'll leave now. And once you've made up your mind, you can find me in either Tappers or my game."

King Candy ordered the donut police to take my cuffs off and give me my Chimney Sweep Brush. They did that and I was escorted out. But, since I didn't finish the chimney sweep song, I finished it on my way out.

'Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-ee! When you're with a sweep you're in glad company. Nowhere is there a more 'appier crew than them wot sings, 'Chim chim cher-ee, chim cher-oo!' Chim chiminey. Chim chim cher-ee, chim cher-oo!'

And with that, I was out of the castle. Well, this game was fun while it lasted. Later that evening, I went to Tappers to have some fun with some characters. And some who dance or play instruments will play something for me to sing to. But this time, I might have something new to sing. And with the help of my broken code, they'll play a good tune. I met my good friend, Edith, at Tappers. And I was looking very happy. I think I've fallen for the King. I can't say for certain because we've just met and I've never fallen for someone before.

"Hello, (N/N)," Edith said smiling.

"Hey, E," I said smiling and sitting on the table.

"You look happy. What game did you discover."

"Sugar Rush. But that's not all! I think I fell in love."

"You, (Y/N), fell in love?"

"Maybe. I don't know. The King is kinda cute if I'm honest. Not that I have a chance with him. He's a king and I'm a Chimney Sweep. Plus he might not want me back in Sugar Rush after he caught me during gaming hours. He is thinking about it so I told him to try to find me here or in Miss Not-So-Practically-Perfect-In-Every-Way's game."

"Most likely here because Mary doesn't like anyone in her game."

"Which makes no sense because she goes to other people's games with not a care in the world then no one is allowed in our game!"

"You can't argue with her, you know that. She rules the game because she's the main character and the queen of the arcade! And she hates you for your constant game jumping."

"I do it because I'm bored of Mary Poppins Chimney Sweep Adventure!" I stood on the table, "We don't get as many players anymore because Mary Poppins is outdated and people expects it to be like the newest sequel that has no Chimney Sweeps. Not even good ol' Bert. And we're due to be unplugged in a few weeks because we're not a good game anymore! And I don't want to be around an unpopular and not so fun game anymore! I want to explore the new games and all the little details that are better than what we have! I want a real adventure! Not some boring adventure where all you do is go two directions, jump, collect coins, achievements, talk to characters that mean nothing to the actual game and then a song at the end that no one sticks around to see!"

I stopped my rant. It's all true. Nothing in my game is actually fun anymore for me or players. The horrible storyline is bad and rushed like I was. If I wasn't rushed, I wouldn't have such a bad code that everyone can catch. I sat back down on the table. I've been strong about my opinion on this game maybe two weeks after we were first plugged in. Edith knows I hate our game but I never told her why until now. And our game did first come out in the early 70's around the time Arcades became popular. So we're older than a lot of games.

It's a shock we've been around for so long. At this point, I just want the game to be unplugged. I'm pretty sure we were supposed to be unplugged a few years ago but old fans of the game demanded we stay. So we stayed. But now, because we don't make money, we're forced to be unplugged.

Of course, Mary is determined to get players attention so we can stay around a while but that is never happening. Well, I ended up replacing this kind of disappointing day with a few songs with our other friends. Always something to look forward to at Tappers.

Candy is dandy but love is sweeter (King Candy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now