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"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" He asks me during the slow dance after a couple songs had gone by in comfortable silence between us.

"Yes, Edmund" I answer him, he knows I have a boyfriend so why did he even ask? Maybe he forgot or something?

"No like been in a real relationship" he corrects himself and speaks again more clearly for me to understand, but that doesn't help.

"What do you mean?"

"If I'm being honest, from my perspective. Correct me if I'm wrong, you guys are only a couple because of scenario 1 you were a couple when you were little and your parents all loved to even think that you would get married. Or scenario 2, he's being a douchebag to you and you can't leave him because he will hurt you more or something like that"

"No," I answer fast without really thinking through his words, when they starts getting in my brain and I can make sense of it, I answer again "maybe".

He was actually right, or I think he was, I don't really know if I still like him or not, but I don't want to leave him, I need him. But how did he know? I mean we were pretty upset with eachother at the concert but like aren't all couples fighting sometimes?

"Honestly, I'm not going to say something because I have nothing to do with your life and how you waste it on some boy" he speaks.

"You don't understand, and I can't explain it," my words just felt so true, they're, I can't explain so he understands, no one will understand.

"It's none of my business anyway" he speaks before it gets quiet between us for a couple of minutes. I look down at our feets dancing along the floor. I suck at dancing, especially this kind of because it's so slow and hard to not step on his foot or something.

"I don't waste it, this is my life and how I am supposed to have it, if it was in another way I would be meant to be living that life" I try to describe to him, I don't really understand those words that came out of my mouth but I don't really care if he understands. I just want him to hear that.


"I can't change my fate" I stop him before he get to speak and looking up in his eyes. His blue, very deep eyes.

"But that's not your fate, it's not your fate to be with a guy if you don't want to"

"I don't but-" I interrupt my own sentence to then speak again "I can't just break up with him"

"Why?" He speaks, now none of us speaks calm, we both are not shouting at eachother but not speaking calmly either.

"I don't know" I look down between us again, seeing both of our feets going back and forth on the dance floor.

Before one of us got to speak again my phone started ringing. I stepped on his foot before I could get up the phone from my sweatpants "sorry, excuse me" I say and taking down my hands from his shoulders to take up my phone, I turn around and walk away a little bit so he doesn't have to hear my whole conversation.

"Hello?" I say into the phone when I answer it.

"I'm in New York, where are you?" I hear in the phone. I furrow my brows, what the hell are he doing in New York?

"Why are you here, Edmund?" I sigh and roll my eyes. I turn around to look at Niall again, he's looking at me in the other side of the room, having a eye contact while I'm speaking.

"You're here" he speaks, "Now where are you so I can go and get you and what are all the noise behind you" he noticing the music in this club.

"It doesn't matter, I don't know where I am" I speaks the truth so he can't get angry at me for lying and I don't have go tell him where I am. I'm here to get away from my family and everything at home, I'm not going to meet him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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