Denki finally caught up angrily, he shouted at the pink haired Miu, "Hey! How come you got to bring all that stuff?"

   "Students in the hero course get all kinds of combat training for their Quirks. In order to keep things fair and give us a fighting chance, we're allowed to bring whatever gadgets and costumes we want into the games, so long as we developed them ourselves.--wha wha wha?! What are you holding?!"

   She pointed to my chain, "Uh, a pocket watch?"

   "That's not fair! You're in the hero course and you get to bring a support item?! This is rigged, I knew that class 1-A was going to get some kind of one up." She stomped her feet and i didnt know what to do.

   "Well, nobody told me I wasn't allowed to? It's fine, I can't do much anyways..."

   "That's still not fair--"

   "--Y/N i finished! You can cross now!"

   I waved Sero a thank you before pulling on it to test the strength. "What are you doing?! What contraption is that--"

   "Bye Mei"

   "Wait how do you know my name!?" She shouted but i had already jumped off the cliff. I can't die here right? I can't die in this world? I really hoped I wouldn't and I really didn't want to test for myself. I pulled myself with the chain and used the thin pipes. I made it across the line and collected my pocket watch. Giving it a small kiss, i rushed off behind the group. Oh watch, where would i be without it.

  "The leader's putting distance between him and the students stuck at The Fall!" Present Mic screech, I gripped my ears to block out some of the sound. "It hasn't been announced how many competitors will make it through to the next round, so there's no time to relax." I finally made it off the sandy area and onto the dirt,  "And now, we're finally approaching the last obstacle. Everyone had better tread carefully. You're stepping onto a minefield! If you look carefully, you can see where those little bombs are buried, so keep your eyes on the ground, folks. By the way, those land mines were designed for the games, so they might be loud and flashy, but they're not all that powerful. Just enough to make you wet your pants!"

  Aizawa grimmanced, "Get a hold of yourself..."

  "Very clever. Those in the lead are actually at a disadvantage here." Todoroki stopped and looked at me. I huffed out of breath and sat on the floor.

  "G-Guess out of breath, .... Guess it makes for good entertainment.--fuck i need water."

  "I would love to see how your little yo-yo will get you out of this predicament, Y/N."

  "Wanna see?" I pushed myself up and pointed at the mimes, "Couldn't you freeze them all?"

  "And help you all?--I don't think so." He scoffed.

He moved forwards and I threw my pocket watch on one of the bombs next to him, he jumped and moved to the side just in time. He gave me a death glare and I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't going to let him get across this stage as easily as he pleases. That and I was not a weak competitor that he can rule out of the running.

  "Bastard!" I jumped as Bakugou landed right next to me. He pushed his shoulders against mine to give him another head start, "Your declaration of war was to the wrong person!"

  'Great bakugou ruled me out as a competitor as well..."

  "Just like that, a new student takes the lead! The media here is going crazy! There's nothing they love more than an upset!" Present Mic announced as Bakugou raced ahead of Todoroki, I gripped onto my pocket watch, I was going to throw it at his feet and hook on-- but I felt like he would burn my face off. "Hey, hey, hey! The rest of the competitors are catching up, too! And what's this? Can our two leaders fight each other and stay in front of the competition?"

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